NYU Black Renaissance Noire Summer/Fall 2011 | Page 10

Bernie Sanders Rick Santelli W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington might have had disagreements, but they both commented about the racism of the white working class. Progressives have been accused of “white chauvinism” by black progressives since the 1920s. They still believe that it’s all about class and not race even though the white workers have spurned most attempts to join in a coalition with minorities sometimes by using violence. The reason that the left is now led by white men who lack street smarts and are prone to this kind of naivety is because the white middle class feminist movement, which has gained influence over left wing politics, pushed black men to the margins of the movement by casting them as symbols of male misogyny. Even heroes like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. are now being subjected to what amounts to misogyny show trials, in the press and on Broadway as a result of entertainment financed by white men. In an earlier period, it was W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington who were subject to ridicule: DuBois for his radical politics, Washington, after dining with Theodore Roosevelt and after being beaten in New York. Obama hater Gloria Borger of cnn commended the Tea Party as people who came to Washington to assert their principles; people who couldn’t be bought by promises of Ear Marks. People who are not beholden to party leaders: this is because their bills are paid by people like the Koch brothers. They’re beholden to the rich who sent them there. A group of blondes, one of whom was from England and another a descendant of Herbert Hoover were brought on msnbc to criticize the president. Among them was Michelle Cottle who saluted the Tea Party’s “purity.” She works for The Daily Be \????HX?\?\?[?B?????\?H[[??\?\???]Y?\??? ? LKHZ[H?X\??[?YB???[Y[???[XH\?YH?[??]????\??YH[\?H?[???[X\?B??[[??HY?Z[???[XK???\?]O?\?\?H[?[Y[????B??\?Y[?X[?[?Y]HZX?[B??X?X[??[?\??[Z[H]?B??X?Z]?Y[??Y???\?[?????\?????H??\??Y[????[\???X?Z]?[????\??Y[?\??\?[??H???Z\??\?K??[??[[???\??X?H[??[??Y?K?XH\?HY[X?\??[???[Y]?H]Z\?[?[?\?H?\\?[?????H?Z[??]Y\?H?X?Y???[?[Y\??]?X[Y?H?Z\?????\?\????&\???H?[? ?\X?X?[?????\??X[????H[[??\??\?B?XY?X]Y ?HXH\?HY[X?\???^H]H??\??Y[???[?B??[?Z?HH?[Z[KY]^^Y\???????[[??[??H??????YH?B?XH\?H???\??Y[???HX]?[B?[?X? ?HYYXK?X?[Y??X]HHXH\?H \?[???[K?????\?YHXH\?H?[H??X???H L[?H???Y\?HYYXB???\?YH?[H[?? ??Z\??\?H?B?????Y\ H??]X???]?B???[\?HHXH\?KHYYXx?&\???Z[??[?[??H]\???8?&\????]???Y?H?[YH??X\?\?Z[?????\?Z[\???[?YHXH\?K?[?]??[?\?\??\?\??YY?B??X???[?[H??\X\?Y??????\?HH[]?\?Y[?Y?H[???\?[??X]?X?HY?Z[??H?\?Y[?\?[??X?H][??YH?X?\??[?\??]?]\??\?H^Z[??????X???\?\]?\?[Y[??X???Y?][[???Z\?[??Y?\?H[?H?[XB?YYXH?[?[???H?Z[H?H???X???[?\?\? ????????\?H]]Y\??P??\?[???\?[?????\?H?]H???[???\???]]????\??X[??\??YB??[?\?????[????[X\?H?[XK??H\??X?\?HXH\?H\??H]??Y?X??H??\??][??????[???\??[?K?H]\??H?^?K?\X\?[?????\?X]]??????\?\??Y[\???]Y?\? ? ? LK8?'???\??]?x?'B????\??X[??\??^H??[???ZYB?Y??&]]X?[?H?X?\?X[?[???[[?HXH\?HY[X?\??????\????HXH\?x?&\??X?\??????\?[??&]?]?[?Y[?[?Y?H[?[?]HX[B????\??]?H[?[???x?&\??[?^B??[??[H ?K ? LH??X?H?]?[?X??[XH?\?[???\?Y?HX]]?????[HY]??H???\??]?K??\??^H?\?[??Y????]???[XK???H\?Z[?X??]?[XB????X\?H[??\??????HYB??]H?Y\??[?[?\?]?Y[?[??H\?H??X?\?\X[?]?\?H\?Y???Z[HXH\?K?????HB??[XZ\???[???]x?&\???\?[??]?Y?[?\?Y[[??\??Y\??X]?X??H???YY?H???? ?[B??K ? LK?H????HYXZ\?Y[?[??]X??\?Y^x?&\???YY?H????\??X?Z]?Y?[?HZ[[??\?????B?H??????\???? Q\??^KR\?XY[ T?YY ?[???K?N ?LH L? ?B??