NYU Black Renaissance Noire Spring 2011 | Page 15

The notion of crisis and blackness and blackness in crisis is never far from our consideration as people engaged in the playful construction of engineering expressive vehicles for the performative exegeses of dark matters, dark energies and the dark times and spaces they inhabit. For this reason, I can say that we, as a group, are a spectacularly philosophical bunch. Anyone who’s ever spent more than 5 minutes in Harlem knows it’s more like the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street than any other hood in the known universe. Once you’ve done your homework and your social work you know that there are no observable limits to what has often been maligned as a black essentialism. You know that the kulcha we call black has allowed for the most racist conceptions of race — namely, that one drop of black blood is enough to deny you a right to love, live and work where you desire — we know that black kulcha has taken one drop as an opportunity to bleed and draw blood and spread dark energy all over the globe. Harlem is defined by The Hustle, The Grind and the getting on of your hustle in your own Name. By this I do not mean art-forms propagated by Van McCoy’s orchestral maneuvers in The Clubhouse dark. Neither do I mean my Harlem people’s capacity to turn the pursuit of profit into both poetic forms and forms of aggression. earth, the fi would that we “If Aliens came down to going on onrst thing theybut theysay is do have don’t know what else is this planet, sure some baaad Music. ” As Black Atlantic scholar and professorial balboa Robert Farris Thompson likes to say, “If Aliens came down to earth, the first thing they would say is that we don’t know what else is going on on this planet, but they sure do have some baaad Music.” The kulcha we ?[?X??\??\?[YY]]?\???^\??]HX\??[???[?][??[??XY ]????]]?\?H??[?\?B?\?[?[??]][???H?ZXY[??[?H?ZX\?[???H???XY??Y??[?????\?[??\?[?????????[?\?H???YY][H???X???[?\?[?^?\??[??[H\?[H\?H?\?[?? ?\\?X]Y??\\?Y[???X??K??[?]\?X????X?[\?\??????[?\??[\??[?\?[B?\?H?Y\??[?]???\X?\?\??????[?\??[?H[?\?[H\???]?\??[?K???M????][?H?[?[[?[\?\?H?HY?[?][??H?[?B??H?[?X??]?X???\?H?H]?X]?]\??Z?\?X\?B??X]YH?Y?H[???]Y?X]Y?H8?%H?^H??Z[?\\???]?H?[????\??\?H[X[?[\[?B????[?Y?[X]^?][???X?]\?HH]?H[??]?[???]K?[?\?[H[?\?X?[\?H?]???Y[???]?\?H^H??^H??[?K???[?[?H??\??[?[YH[??????[??H??\\?\???????]H?[?H\?H\?[?H?X?H[??Y?X]X?8?%????H\?]?\??X[H?Y[??H?[?[??????[?\?^B?\?H[?\?[H?X?]\?H?????[?\?H?\?X??X[???[][?]B?[?H]??\??X?][?H?\?X??X[????H?[???YH[?H??XZ?H??X] ??X]\????\?[?x?&\?H[??[?????X[?H^Y\????][?[?x?&\?H[?[??[?\???? Y?Y?]]K?[? M??????LH LN???SB??