NYU Black Renaissance Noire NYU Black Renaissance Noire V. 16.1 | Page 5

Contents volume 16 issue 1 | winter /spring 2016 4 My Take quincy troupe Loren Miller: 1938 — Trials and Transitions walter l. gordon iii Without a Shadow of a Doubt: My First Lesson in Art and Film. ngũgĩ wa thiong’o Some of Us Did Not Die: Remembering June Jordan Poems 14 ruth hardinger Sonic Black Hole shayla lawson 22 carole harris bill harris Till eben wood The Watts Writers Workshop — kamau daáood in conversation with steven isoardi naomi long madget 130 108 Poems 70 18 Poems 129 Poem joel dias-porter stephon alexander terry blackhawk Visual Arts 96 Visual Arts 128 Poem peter bradley Poems 30 Poems ishmael reed 90 no‘u revilla Visual Arts Suicide by War? al young e. ethelbert miller 60 126 112 Melvin Edwards: The Poetics of the Blacksmith lydie diakhaté 142 Contributors Lilies of the Field at 50: Race, Religion, and Sidney Poitier’s Westward Journey joseph mclaren 78 Poems kamau daáood 84 Nature of the Scar eric john priestley 120 Visual Arts marielle plaisir BLACK RENAISSANCE NOIRE 10 50 86 3 6 34