NYU Black Renaissance Noire Fall 2012 | Page 20

By GREG HEWETT The Best Porn is just lying back on destroyed sheets watching the one who occupied your bed last night coming out of the shower. It’s maybe somewhat slapstick mostly because you forgot to lay out towels and he probably thinks you’re asleep and is too polite to wake you so tiptoes room to room gathering up his clothes, twisting and jerking as he tries not to drip all over your hardwood floors, but also because now that it is morning he more than likely feels like this is a little like being naked in public because he’s never known you in daylight. Though the lighting’s more like in a weepy—crazy golden beams with dust glittering and turning— or the end of a disaster flick, the hero among the ruins. Still, bending over for boxers, he’s sexy only because he is not trying too hard like a porn-star, or trying at all. He’s what you’d call average, and we all are, and that’s beauty, most especially when he looks over to your half-closed eyes more nervous than longing, maybe indifferent or regretting he ever came or just perplexed as to whether you’re asleep or not. Suddenly it is documentary, though you’ve provoked the situation. 18 He offers up some combo of a nod and a shrug as he unbolts and unlocks the door, leaving a chain of lakes the length of your apartment you trace with your big toe. BRN-FALL-2012.indb 18 9/7/12 11:26 PM