Nomads Constitution | Page 5

Page 5 of 26 7.1.5 NOMADS GOLF CLUB – SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTION Within 7 (Seven) days of the date for the submission of the votes by the eligible voters having passed, the votes received will be scrutinised by the National Chairman or his nominated representatives. A person shall be accepted as Honorary Life Member if the number of votes cast for is equal to or greater than the nearest whole number below that which constitutes 75 per cent of those voting. Once the votes have been scrutinised and an outcome determined; The eligible voters will be informed in writing of the outcome by the National Secretary in strictest confidence; In the event that a candidate is accepted then Honorary Life status must be conferred on them at the subsequent National Council Meeting or failing that at the earliest possible opportunity. In the event that a candidate is rejected, then that candidate’s name shall not be eligible to be put forward again for a minimum period of 2 (Two) years. 7.1.6 Honorary Life Members Will receive all Nomads publications as issued by the National Secretary. May wear Nomads insignia. Shall be eligible to participate in any Nomads competition. Automatically are Members of the National Counci