NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 87

Genesis 17:4 | 37
Abram had been liv ing in Ca naan ten years , Sa rai his wife took her Egyp tian slave Ha gar and gave her to her hus band to be his wife . 4 He slept with Ha gar , and she con ceived .
When she knew she was preg nant , she be gan to de spise her mis tress . 5 Then Sa rai said to Abram , “ You are re spon si ble for the wrong I am suf fering . I put my slave in your arms , and now that she knows she is preg nant , she de spis es me . May the Lord judge be tween you and me .”
“ Your slave is in your hands ,” Abram said . “ Do with her what ev er you think best .” Then Sa rai mis treat ed Ha gar ; so she fled from her .
The an gel of the Lord found Ha gar near a spring in the des ert ; it was the spring that is be side the road to Shur . 8 And he said , “ Ha gar , slave of Sa rai , where have you come from , and where are you go ing ?”
“ I ’ m run ning away from my mis tress Sa rai ,” she an swered .
Then the an gel of the Lord told her , “ Go back to your mis tress and sub mit to her .” 10 The an gel add ed , “ I will in crease your de scen dants so much that they will be too nu mer ous to count .”
The an gel of the Lord also said to her :
“ You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son .
You shall name him Ishmael , a for the Lord has heard of your misery .
12 He will be a wild donkey of a man ;
his hand will be against everyone and everyone ’ s hand against him , and he will live in hostility toward b all his brothers .”
She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her : “ You are the God who sees me ,” for she said , “ I have now seen c the One who sees me .” 14 That is why the well was called Beer La hai Roi d ; it is still there , be tween Ka desh and Be red .
So Ha gar bore Abram a son , and Abram gave the name Ish ma el to the son she had borne .
Abram was eighty-six years old when Ha gar bore him Ish ma el .
The Covenant of Circumcision
When Abram was nine ty-nine years old ,

17 the Lord ap peared to him and said , “ I am God Al mighty e ; walk be fore me faith ful ly and be blame less . 2 Then I will make my cov enant between me and you and will great ly in crease your num bers .”

Abram fell face down , and God said to him , 4 “ As for me , this is my cov enant with you : You will be
11 Ishmael means God hears .
12 Or live to the east / of
13 Or seen the back of
14 Beer Lahai Roi means well of the
Living One who sees me .
1 Hebrew El-Shaddai
16:1 – 16 This narrative shows Abram and Sarai attempting to work around Sarai ’ s barrenness to provide an heir for Abram . Yahweh ’ s reassurance in ch . 15 confirmed for Abram that Yahweh ’ s promise is intended for his biological offspring , but Yahweh did not specify that Sarai would be the mother . Since Sarai has been unable to provide an heir for Abram herself , she offers her servant , Hagar , to Abram as a wife . Hagar conceives , but her success causes strife in light of Sarai ’ s perceived failure . After Sarai makes life difficult for Hagar , the pregnant Hagar leaves the camp , heading back toward her native Egypt . On the way , an angel appears to her and convinces her to return to Sarai .
16:1 Sarai See 11:29 and note . Hagar The name may be related to Arabic hajara , meaning “ to flee ” — ​and thus may parallel her fleeing later in this chapter . 16:2 Lord has kept me from having children In the ancient Near East , barrenness was always considered a female problem due to the belief that the man deposited a seedling child into the woman , where it would grow like a plant . Failure to grow the child was thus viewed as divine judgment against the woman . I can build a family through her The procedure of a barren woman providing her husband with a concubine occurred in other ancient Near Eastern cultures , according to both the ancient work Hammurabi ’ s Code and ancient marriage contracts . 16:6 Sarai mistreated Hagar Ancient Near Eastern law codes , like that of Hammurabi , allowed slave owners to harshly punish their slaves for insolence . 16:7 The angel of the Lord Elsewhere , the Hebrew phrase used here , malak yhwh , is used in reference to Yahweh made visible or embodied , although it is not clear that the angel is always Yahweh ( Ex 23:20 – 23 ; Jdg 6 ). See the table “ Angels in the Bible ” on p . 2120 . beside the road to Shur Hagar was journeying toward Egypt , her native country ( 1Sa 15:7 ; 27:8 ).
16:8 – 10 Hagar is told by the angel to return to Sarai but adds that her son will become a nation . This passage features language similar to the promise to Abram ( compare Ge 12:1 – 3 ; 15:1 – 6 ).
16:11 Ishmael This name in Hebrew , yishma ’ el , means “ God hears .” See the table “ Symbolic Names of People in Hebrew ” on p . 1388 . 16:14 Beer Lahai Roi This name means “ well of the living one who sees me ” ( see 24:62 ; 25:11 ).
17:1 – 27 Once more , Yahweh appears to Abram to reiterate his covenant promises . To confirm the covenant , Yahweh gives Abram a new name and institutes the practice of circumcision as a sign of the covenant . This event takes place 13 years after the events of ch . 16 . Ishmael is now 13 years old ( v . 25 ).
17:1 God Almighty The Hebrew phrase used here , el shadday , which is commonly translated “ God Almighty ” or “ the Almighty God ” is translated as such based on English translation tradition ; however , this is not based on the original Hebrew but how the Septuagint ( the ancient Greek translation of the OT ) translates shadday in the book of Job ( Job 5:17 ; 8:5 ). Shadday is similar to the Hebrew term shad , meaning “ breast ” ( Eze 23:3,21,34 ; SS 4:5 ; 7:3 ), but “ God of breasts ” is not a reasonable translation . The possibly related Akkadian word shadu ( meaning “ mountain ”)— ​along with the abundant testimony in the OT associating God with mountains ( e . g ., Sinai ) — ​suggests that the word means “ God of the mountain ” or “ God of the mountainous wilderness .” God is called this name again later in Genesis and in Exodus ( Ge 28:3 ; 35:11 ; 48:3 ; Ex 6:3 ). See the table “ Names of God in the Old Testament ” on p . 917 . 17:2 I will make The Hebrew verb used here , nathan ,