NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 69

Genesis 7:2 | 19 the earth to de stroy all life un der the heav ens , ev ery crea ture that has the breath of life in it . Ev ery thing on earth will per ish . 18 But I will es tablish my cov enant with you , and you will en ter the ark — ​you and your sons and your wife and your sons ’ wives with you . 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all liv ing crea tures , male and fe male , to keep them alive with you . 20 Two of ev ery kind of bird , of ev ery kind of an i mal and of ev ery kind of crea ture that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive . 21 You are to take ev ery kind of food that is to be eat en and store it away as food for you and for them .”
Noah did ev ery thing just as God com manded him .


The Lord then said to Noah , “ Go into the ark , you and your whole fam i ly , be cause I have found you righ teous in this gen er a tion . 2 Take with global flood or a flood over all the earth in the region . Interpretations over the extent of the flood vary . Because ancient Near Eastern people conceived of the known world as a single land mass surrounded by water , a massive regional flood could have been interpreted as a flood of the entire world . Proponents of a global flood offer explanations that they claim can demonstrate how such an event could have been possible . Supporters of a smaller scale flood point to evidence of local catastrophes in the ancient world , such as the large flood in the Black Sea region around 5500 BC , when the sea level of the Mediterranean rose suddenly . In that incident , 66,000 square miles of land were flooded over the course of a year . Compare note on 7:19 . 6:18 my covenant with you This covenant is given in 8:20 — ​9:17 . 7:2 seven pairs There is a discrepancy between this figure and the instructions of 6:19 – 20 , which speak of
Volume : 1,396,000 cubic feet Gross Tonnage : Nearly 14,000 tons Capacity : Equivalent to more than
500 railroad stock cars It could hold more than 125,000 sheep-sized animals .
Family Rooms
Dining Room and Kitchen
DECK 1 Bird storage
DECK 2 Food storage

Inside Noah ’ s Ark

The ark was built with “ cypress wood ” and caulked with pitch . The passengers remained safe inside until the waters of the flood subsided , nearly one year later .
DECK 3 Animal storage