NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 222

1586 | MattheW 26:4
whose name was Ca ia phas , 4 and they schemed to ar rest Jesus se cret ly and kill him . 5 “ But not dur ing the fes ti val ,” they said , “ or there may be a riot among the peo ple .”
Jesus Anointed at Bethany
26:6-13pp — ​ Mk 14:3-9 26:6-13Ref — ​Lk 7:37,38 ; Jn 12:1-8
While Jesus was in Beth a ny in the home of Si mon the Lep er , 7 a wom an came to him with an al a bas ter jar of very ex pen sive per fume , which she poured on his head as he was re clin ing at the ta ble .
When the dis ci ples saw this , they were indig nant . “ Why this waste ?” they asked . 9 “ This per fume could have been sold at a high price and the mon ey giv en to the poor .”
Aware of this , Jesus said to them , “ Why are you both er ing this wom an ? She has done a beau ti ful thing to me . 11 The poor you will al ways have with you , a but you will not al ways have me .
When she poured this per fume on my body , she did it to pre pare me for buri al . 13 Tru ly I tell you , wher ev er this gos pel is preached through out the world , what she has done will also be told , in memo ry of her .”
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
26:14-16pp — ​Mk 14:10,11 ; Lk 22:3-6
Then one of the Twelve — ​the one called Ju das Is car i ot — ​went to the chief priests 15 and asked , “ What are you will ing to give me if I de liv er him a
11 See Deut . 15:11 .
over to you ?” So they count ed out for him thir ty piec es of sil ver . 16 From then on Ju das watched for an op por tu ni ty to hand him over .
The Last Supper
26:17-19pp — ​Mk 14:12-16 ; Lk 22:7-13 26:20-24pp — ​ Mk 14:17-21 26:26-29pp — ​Mk 14:22-25 ; Lk 22:17-20 ; 1Co 11:23-25
On the first day of the Fes ti val of Un leav ened Bread , the dis ci ples came to Jesus and asked , “ Where do you want us to make prep a ra tions for you to eat the Pass over ?”
He re plied , “ Go into the city to a cer tain man and tell him , ‘ The Teach er says : My ap point ed time is near . I am go ing to cel e brate the Pass over with my dis ci ples at your house .’ ” 19 So the dis ciples did as Jesus had di rect ed them and pre pared the Pass over .
When eve ning came , Jesus was re clin ing at the ta ble with the Twelve . 21 And while they were eat ing , he said , “ Tru ly I tell you , one of you will be tray me .”
They were very sad and be gan to say to him one af ter the oth er , “ Sure ly you don ’ t mean me , Lord ?” 23
Jesus re plied , “ The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will be tray me . 24 The Son of Man will go just as it is writ ten about him . But woe to that man who be trays the Son of Man ! It would be bet ter for him if he had not been born .”
Then Ju das , the one who would be tray him , said , “ Sure ly you don ’ t mean me , Rab bi ?”
Annas ( Lk 3:2 ; Jn 18:13,24 ; Ac 4:6 ) AD 6 – 15
Caiaphas ( Mt 26:3,57 ; Lk 3:2 ; Jn 11:49 ; 18:13,14,24,28 ; Ac 4:6 )
AD 18 – 36
Ananias ( Ac 23:2 ; 24:1 ) AD 47 – 58
26:4 secretly The Greek word used here , dolos , carries a sense of underhandedness , cunning or treachery . Matthew might employ this term to portray the religious establishment as being guilty and wicked , in contrast to Jesus ’ innocence and righteousness . 26:5 a riot among the people Civil unrest was a constant threat during festival times , due to the influx of peasants into the city . The Romans often suppressed riots harshly .
26:6 – 13 As Jesus and his disciples eat at their host ’ s home in Bethany , a woman enters the house and anoints Jesus ’ head with costly perfume .
26:6 Bethany See 21:17 and note . Simon the Leper Most likely , Simon had been cleansed from his skin disease ; he would have been required to live in isolation had it not been healed ( Lev 13:46 ). He might have been among those healed by Jesus . Luke ’ s parallel account presents Simon as a Pharisee ( Lk 7:36 – 40 ). 26:7 a woman John ’ s parallel account identifies her as
“ Mary ”— ​presumably the sister of Martha and Lazarus ( Jn 12:3 ). 26:9 given to the poor The disciples ’ concern for the poor is in keeping with the heart of Jesus ’ ministry . 26:12 to prepare me for burial The woman likely intended to display her devotion , but Jesus reinterprets her act .
26:14 – 16 Judas seeks out the chief priests , who were involved in Jewish religious government , in order to betray Jesus . In John ’ s Gospel , Judas seems to be motivated ( at least in part ) by his objection to the extravagant anointing that occurs in the previous scene ( Jn 12:4 – 6 ).
26:15 thirty pieces of silver Approximately equal to four months ’ wages ( see Mt 27:9 and note ). See the infographic “ A Silver Denarius ” on p . 1578 .
26:17 – 25 Jesus eats the Passover meal with his disciples and reveals that one of them will betray him .
26:17 On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread The day of preparation for Passover . 26:20 reclining at the table The setting likely involved a low table , with guests leaning on cushions . 26:23 one who has dipped his hand into the bowl This statement probably is intended to emphasize the betrayer ’ s breach of fellowship , not to single out a disciple ( i . e ., Judas ) who had his hand in the bowl at the same moment as Jesus . Compare Jn 13:26 – 30 .