NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 221

MattheW 26:3 | 1585
“ Then the King will say to those on his right , ‘ Come , you who are blessed by my Fa ther ; take your in her i tance , the king dom pre pared for you since the cre a tion of the world . 35 For I was hun gry and you gave me some thing to eat , I was thirsty and you gave me some thing to drink , I was a strang er and you in vit ed me in , 36 I need ed clothes and you clothed me , I was sick and you looked af ter me , I was in pris on and you came to vis it me .’
“ Then the righ teous will an swer him , ‘ Lord , when did we see you hun gry and feed you , or thirsty and give you some thing to drink ? 38 When did we see you a strang er and in vite you in , or need ing clothes and clothe you ? 39 When did we see you sick or in pris on and go to vis it you ?’
“ The King will re ply , ‘ Tru ly I tell you , whatev er you did for one of the least of these broth ers and sis ters of mine , you did for me .’
“ Then he will say to those on his left , ‘ De part from me , you who are cursed , into the eter nal fire pre pared for the dev il and his an gels . 42 For I was hun gry and you gave me noth ing to eat , I was thirsty and you gave me noth ing to drink , 43 I was a strang er and you did not in vite me in , I need ed clothes and you did not clothe me , I was sick and in pris on and you did not look af ter me .’
“ They also will an swer , ‘ Lord , when did we see you hun gry or thirsty or a strang er or needing clothes or sick or in pris on , and did not help you ?’ 45
“ He will re ply , ‘ Tru ly I tell you , what ev er you did not do for one of the least of these , you did not do for me .’
“ Then they will go away to eter nal pun ishment , but the righ teous to eter nal life .”
The Plot Against Jesus
26:2-5pp — ​Mk 14:1,2 ; Lk 22:1,2


When Jesus had fin ished say ing all these things , he said to his dis ci ples , 2 “ As you know , the Pass over is two days away — ​and the Son of Man will be hand ed over to be cru ci fied .”
Then the chief priests and the el ders of the peo ple as sem bled in the pal ace of the high priest ,
25:34 your inheritance , the kingdom prepared for you The Jewish worldview of Jesus ’ day envisioned the present age ending with a time of tribulation , followed by divine judgment . Then God ’ s kingdom — ​the age to come — ​would be fully inaugurated . This schema also is reflected in the books of Daniel and Revelation . 25:35 For I was hungry The actions described here ( and in the next verse ) reflect obedience to the command to love one ’ s neighbor — ​and thereby demonstrate love for God , as well ( 22:37 – 39 ). 25:40 the least of these Jesus ’ remarks here call for Chris tian care to reach all the way to the bottom of the social structure , thus inverting earthly values . 25:41 eternal fire Refers to divine wrath . See note on Lk 3:9 .
26:1 – 5 At this point , Matthew ’ s narrative shifts from Jesus ’ ministry and teaching to the events that lead to his death .
26:2 Passover An annual Jewish feast commemorating the Israelites ’ deliverance from slavery in Egypt ( Ex 12 – 13 ; see note on Lk 2:41 ). 26:3 chief priests and the elders of the people Refers to members of the Sanhedrin , the Jewish ruling body in Jerusalem . Caiaphas The acting high priest . John ’ s Gospel indicates that Caiaphas ’ predecessor and father-in-law , Annas , still held some authority at this time ( Jn 18:12 – 13,19 – 24 ). See the table “ Political Leaders in the New Testament ” on p . 1916 .

Parables of Jesus ( continued )

The Lost Coin
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Lk 15:8 – 10
The Lost Son
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Lk 15:11 – 32
The Shrewd Manager
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Lk 16:1 – 13
The Rich Man and
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Lk 16:19 – 31
Unworthy Servants
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Lk 17:7 – 10
The Unjust Judge
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Lk 18:1 – 8
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
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Lk 18:9 – 14
* Denotes a parable which Jesus introduces by saying , “ The kingdom of heaven / God is like . ..”