NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 159


Each of the four Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , Luke and John ) tells the story of Jesus from its own perspective . Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah and King , who fulfills God ’ s promises in the Old Testament . Jesus is not just a wise teacher ; he is the one God has chosen to usher in the kingdom of heaven . He has come to save and to restore humanity into right relationship with God — ​starting first with Israel and then moving to the wider world .
The text of Matthew doesn ’ t identify its author , but ever since the second century AD , Chris tian tradition has ascribed this Gospel to Matthew the tax collector — ​called Levi in Mark and Luke ’ s accounts — ​who became one of Jesus ’ 12 disciples ( Mt 9:9 ; 10:3 ; Mk 2:14 ; Lk 5:27 – 29 ). Various features in Matthew reflect a writing style that is more Jewish than the other three Gospels , although John ’ s Gospel is also steeped in Judaism . Matthew seems to have been intended for a community of Jewish people who believed that Jesus was the Messiah . Based on Matthew ’ s focus on the negative elements of the Judaism of Jerusalem and Judaea , it seems that the Gospel ’ s audience probably lived outside of the Israel region . It was probably written in the late first century , around AD 60 – 85 .
One way to organize the Gospel of Matthew is by the five major blocks of Jesus ’ teaching . Each block ends with a phrase noting what happened when Jesus was finished speaking ( for example , Mt 7:28 ). These five blocks are : the Sermon on the Mount ( 5:1 — ​7:29 ); the missionary discourse ( 9:35 — ​10:42 ); Jesus ’ parables ( 13:1 – 52 ); Jesus ’ teaching on discipleship ( ch . 18 ); and Jesus ’ teaching about his return and the day of judgment ( 23:1 — ​ 25:46 ). This five-part division could serve as an echo of the Pentateuch ( the first five books of the Old Testament ). Matthew is presenting Jesus as a new Moses . Like Moses , Jesus is leading God ’ s people in an exodus — ​this new exodus involves breaking the bonds of sin . And just as Moses delivered God ’ s law , Jesus fulfills it ( 5:17 – 20 ).
Capernaum Nazareth
Caesarea Philippi
This map depicts many of the locations of Jesus ’ ministry according to Matthew ’ s Gospel .

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