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Law order made to Students in the new moot court located at the USC campus T he recently opened Law School at the University of the Sunshine Coast is more than a little bit different. There are no dusty bookshelves groaning with leather-bound tomes or the weight of tradition on hopeful young shoulders. The University is a young institution, and the Law School is a new baby within it. And that wide-eyed exuberance is perfectly linked up to new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking. “They work with practising lawyers on real cases.” Professor Anne Rees Foundation Professor and Co-Head of Law School Because it has been built from scratch, Law at the University of the Sunshine Coast has the latest teaching strategies, and a state-of-the-art map for turning out the best-informed and most job-ready graduates the state has yet produced. Graduates have an edge, because the course features work experience and practical application from the very start. 14 “I did a placement in the law clinic in my very first semester,” says David Knobel, President of the USC Law Students’ Association. “I ran live case files under the wing of a qualified lawyer, which taught me research and interview skills and hel Y\