News From Native California - Spring 2016 Volume 29 Issue 3 | Page 25

Beauty at Home Written and photographed by Vikki Preston I was raised in and around the Orleans area along the Klamath River, spending much of this time with my grandparents Gary and Adrian at their house near Allen Creek, above the mouth of Red Cap Creek. All of these photos, except one, were taken within the last couple weeks, around these same areas. Na Karuk araar. home is deep and beautiful, and it’s a little too complex to sum up in a short piece. I also found out that no matter how many photos you take, there’s always going to be too much beauty to try and capture. One can focus on a small spot along the river and never quite do it justice. This world is tangled and difficult among many things, but I feel we seek often these places; are challenged to forgive, to take care, be there for others, or to stay and fight. So sometimes I take photos in a small appreciation of home and its ceremony, reminder. Un-Dam the Klamath! SPR IN G 2 016 ▼ 23