New Jersey Stage August 2014 | Page 45

A PERCUSSIVE EXPLOSION BETWEEN FLAMENCO AND TAP DANCE A collaboration between Alborada roads Theatre in New Brunswick. Spanish Dance Theatre and two Audiences will experience the exciting stars of the New Jersey cultural similarities and the comTap Dance Ensemble (Maurice munal rhythmic patterns and lanChestnut and Karen Callaway Wil- guage involved in Flamenco and liams) will take you American Tap dance. on a vibrant, historical Highlighting the dance/music journey production is live muin the year 1929; a sic with saxophone time when Spanish player James Brook Poet Laureate Fedand Alborada’s flaerico García Lorca menco guitarists and visited New York and singers, a fusion piece wrote a poem entitled involving Tap danc“The King Of Harlem”, ing accompanied by exploring the search Flamenco guitar, and for identity of African Flamenco dancing Americans and the performed to Swing Click here for ticket info music, a lovely peSpanish Gypsies at this time in history. riod piece of dance “A Flamenco Tap Happening” and song from Madrid, as well as will take place on Saturday, Sepexuberant Gypsy flamenco, Spantember 13 at 7:30pm at Crossish dances and Tap dances. Visit us online at pg 45