New Jersey Stage August 2014 | Page 41

locking a guard in the bathroom and playing a piece from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro over the loud speaker to all the prisoners in the court yard. And when the warden looks in I wanna look him in the eye for a short moment turn the volume up and turn away knowing that the next day, I’d return to the courtyard or the hole or my job or whatever else it was I do on a daily basis.  Some people want to be on the rooftop of a building drinking beers after laying down tar, like waiters and waitresses taking shots at a bar in the middle of their shift in front of the customers to feel more human.  Some people want to feel like that moment when Andy escapes jail and is looking up at the sky with arms outstretched.  Not me I want to live absurdly all the time and play Mozart over loud speakers to all the prisoners in the courtyard. By Mark Brunetti Visit us online at pg 41