New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 4 | страница 92

Ambitious Theatre SHARE BUTTON Long before Paper Mill Play- house received the 2016 Regional Theatre Tony Award, the theatre had been begun known as a place where shows heading to Broad- way could be found first. The 2017-2018 season will continue that trend in a big way with 2 World Premieres and 2 East Coast Premieres on the schedule. While much of the buzz deals with Half Time, I’m excited to see what they do with The Honeymooners musi- cal comedy. NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 4 by Gary Wien The season contains World Pre- mieres of The Honeymooners and The Sting (based on the classic movie). The East Coast premieres include The Outsider and Half Time. Fan favorite Annie comes to the theatre for the holidays. The Honeymooners opens the season on September 28. As a late night tv junkie raised on WPIX 11, The classic show following the exploits of the Kramdens and the Nortons has been a favorite of in- somniacs like me for generations. INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 92