New Jersey Stage 2015 - Issue 10 | Page 62

me, it’s not), Halloween: Resurrection is ahead of its time. With its house rigged with cameras gimmick, it prefigures both the current found footage fad and Big Brother style reality TV. This is not what we want from a Halloween movie though. Rosenthal’s direction is bland enough to highlight how much of an input John Carpenter had on Halloween II and the writing is sophomoric and amateurish. The biggest issue is how ineffectual Myers comes across, and seeing him beaten around by a rapper is a new low for the franchise. Predictably, the movie didn’t fare too well - certainly not with fans - and the series would be shelved for five years. As bad as this installment is, the worst was yet to come. As bad as this installment is, the worst was yet to come. 1 star out of 5 2015 - ISSUE 10 62