New Consciousness Review Winter 2016 | Page 22


• Intellectual stimulation - learning something new , doing puzzles , reading , memorizing - stimulates the brain , makes it more adaptable , and builds up a “ cognitive reserve ” that can take over if function is disrupted or lost . The more challenging the activity , the more significant the benefit .
• Social activity - maintaining strong ties and developing new friendships - is associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimer ’ s disease . Studies confirm that social interaction also contributes to mental stimulation ; those who are most engaged socially perform best on tests of memory and cognition .
In conclusion , good general health supports good brain health . Stop smoking ; maintain a healthy weight , exercise at least 150 minutes a week , sleep 7-8 hours a night ; and drink alcohol only on special occasions .
“ Alzheimer ’ s disease is not an inevitable result of aging . While there is currently no cure for Alzhei- mer ’ s , there are ways of minimizing its effects and forestalling or minimizing its development ,” says Dr . Nunley . “ People who feel that they are at risk for Alzheimer ’ s or who are concerned with symptoms they are experiencing should seek out the advice of a functional medicine doctor who will take a comprehensive look at their risk factors , lifestyle and diet and put them on a program to minimize and potentially stop the onset of the disease ,” adds Dr . Nunley .
Marsha Nunley , M . D ., founder of H . E . A . L . Medical is board-certified in internal medicine , geriatric medicine , and palliative care . Dr . Nunley specializes in functional medicine , a systems-based approach to treating the whole person . www . marshanunleymd . com Contact : Melissa Chefec , MCPR , LLC , 203-968-6625
22 | New Consciousness Review