New Consciousness Review Winter 2016 | Page 16

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction ; or , the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal , and directed to contrary parts .


that allows a temporary dilation of those arterial walls . You will get blood to the muscles that are innervated .
It strengthens the heart , but there is a negative by-product , which is the free-radical chemical process . So with that stress-hormone you have a negative chemical response that comes with it – and the heart is still having to PUSH blood into a tight and restricted system .
A much more effective and efficient way to lower blood pressure without wearing out your heart pump . . . is to increase the area into which the blood is allowed to flow . PULLING blood into new areas . Waking up the muscles that have gone to sleep . Reactivating motor skills . New and novel movement every day . Stretching . Myofascial release .
In order to walk forward , we have to push off the ground and generate force behind us . For this purpose , our feet are the levers that push off the ground and our gluteals ( buttocks ), hamstrings and calves are the large muscles that generate force behind us .
The treadmill eliminates your need to generate force behind you . The treadmill creates an “ uphill ” walking experience . That is what the quadriceps ( thigh ) muscles are for . We already overuse this muscle group as a result of wearing shoes with heels and having our center of gravity pitched forward over our toes .
Uphill walking eliminates the most important phase of walking . . . the HEEL STRIKE ! Did you know that every vibration generated when you
Dividing your exercise into several segments is better for your body . Two to four fifteen minute segments is better than one 30-60 minute session . If you knew you had to have a certain caloric intake everyday , do you think it would be best to try and consume it all at once or spread it out to sustain you throughout the day ? Same idea . Giving our bodies regular intervals of “ letting go ” and expanding helps all our systems to get used to and maintain balance .

Treadmill vs . Walking

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction ; or , the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal , and directed to contrary parts .
– Newton ’ s Third Law of Motion , translated from the Principia ’ s Lati
16 | New Consciousness Review