Network Magazine Autumn 2017 | Page 65



The original big name in video hosting provides a very useful tool for selling to , and retaining , more PT clients .

Y ouTube is much more than just a

hosting site for funny cat videos and epic gym fail compilations – it ’ s now the second most used search engine in the world after Google ( its parent company ). It ’ s a powerful platform for searching for information and can be a useful tool for selling to , and retaining , more PT clients .
Why use YouTube for your PT business ?
YouTube is not for every PT business , but if you run online coaching , group sessions and have a blog , and convert most of your leads online via social media or your website , then it is definitely for you .
If you run online training programs then YouTube can be your way to go global ! The global reach is massive , and YouTube provides the opportunity for you to include adverts and clickable links through to your website and other social channels .
What content should you upload ?
When creating or uploading content to YouTube , make sure you keep in mind your business objectives . Your YouTube channel should advertise how good you are as a PT , focusing on your unique strengths .
A video showing you smashing a deadlift PB may be a great advert for a strength and conditioning coach , but may not be suitable if your business focuses on special populations . Keep your content relevant to who you want to attract . If corrective exercise is your thing , then short videos showing you working with clients ( posted with their permission ) or talking about common issues you see will be on brand for you .
You can also film yourself doing short Q & A sessions so your audience get to know you and your approach to fitness and training . Creating a series of short videos showcasing elements of your training sessions , or highlighting little tasters of your online training programs , are other good options .
You don ’ t need full scale production : a smart phone with a decent camera and sound will do – just turn it on its side to avoid the big black lines – it uploads to YouTube better .
5 essentials for a great YouTube Channel
Uploading great content is all good and well , but by following these five steps you can further increase the professional feel – as well as the effectiveness – of your YouTube Channel .
1 Brand your Channel cover art . This will identify your YouTube Channel and link it straight to your brand . If you have a banner on your website and Facebook page , resize it for YouTube so it stays consistent with your brand .
2 Brand your videos . In your YouTube Channel , go to the Video Manager section , then on the right hand side select Channel and then Branding . Here you can add your logo as a watermark . Your logo will appear on the bottom of each video you upload , identifying your content if it ’ s shared .
3 Create a welcome video . When you land on a YouTube Channel , you can have a welcome video that tells your potential new clients what you ’ re about , and what kind of content you post . Keep it short and punchy , sell yourself and give a reason why they should subscribe to your channel . This video will be the first video any non-subscribers will see when they land on your channel .
Content is king , queen and ruler of everything
Listen to Lynsey ' s insights as she speaks with Network about the best social platforms for fitness , and how to cut through the noise to reach your customers online .
Subscribe to The Fitness Industry Podcast on iTunes or go to fitnessnetwork . com . au / member-portal
4 Tag and Title it . Remember , most people come to YouTube to find information with the words ‘ How to …’ ranking highest in search terms . Title your videos by thinking about what people will search for , e . g . ‘ How to squat ’, ‘ Home HIIT workout ’, ‘ How to use a foam roller ’, and make sure you tag your videos when you upload them . This is a bit like hashtags on Instagram , and will help Google find your videos when people are searching for that kind of content .
5 Link your website and social channels . If you run a blog on your website then you can use your YouTube content in blog posts ( just add a quick transcript of the video too to your blog post so you still get the benefit for your SEO – check out REV . com for transcription services ). Make sure you link your website to your YouTube Channel and place links to it in your descriptions under each video .
Creating and uploading content to YouTube can be a quick and easy way to let people see you in action , opening up a world of potential new clients and business .
Lynsey Fraser is a health and wellness expert with a wealth of experience in social media marketing . She has worked internationally as a presenter , Master Trainer and PT specialising in group training and club coaching . flosocial . com . au