Network Communications News (NCN) November 2016 | Page 24

S P E C I A L F E AT U R E cloud computing & virtualisation Cloud Bursting! Richard Blanford of Fordway explains how to find the right cloud solution, taking a look at infrastructure and technology. F or most organisations these days the question is not whether to adopt cloud, but when is the right time and what services to move. Like any other major infrastructure change, it needs to be driven by a compelling event, such as a move to new premises, a need to refresh existing infrastructure, the end of an outsourcing contract or a major organisational change. If you have recently made a big investment in your data centre, wholesale migration to cloud is probably not for you at the moment. Understand the journey The first step is analysis: organisations need to fully understand their capabilities (start point) and their strategic goals (end point). A business and IT alignment review ensures that you have accurately defined the service levels required for the key operational processes that IT supports in your organisation and understand their cost, performance and availability implications. One of the key characteristics of cloud is that it provides standardised, commodity services that are used in a standard fashion using standard processes. You may need to adapt or modify your current IT operational processes to maximise the benefit of using cloud services. In the main, most cloud providers follow ITIL processes and offer user self-service for some or all elements of the service, so it is likely that your existing incident processes can easily be adapted. Design your cloud environment The next stage is design, mapping and aligning the journey against the business 24 24-26 Cloud – Fordway.indd 24 01/11/2016 15:00