NCC Distance Education Spring 2017 | Page 18

SOC 220 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY 3 CR . Prerequisites : SOC 201 or ANT 203 . The family as a social institution and the roles of men , women and children in different societies . Types of families ; how they develop and change . The social characteristics of the American family , its relation to the economy , government , religion and law . Problems of the family in modern industrial societies ; conflict , divorce , mobility and mental illness .
NCC 101 - COLLEGE EXPERIENCE 1 CR . An introduction to the world of higher education . The goal of the course is to give students the skills , insights , and knowledge to make the most of their college experience . Among the topics covered :
* The philosophy , mission , and goals of higher education ;
* The role of campus resources ( labs , library , counseling services , extracurricular activities , etc .) in the educational process ;
* Listening , note-taking , time management and study skills ;
* Faculty and student expectations and responsibilities ;
* Academic disciplines and their relationship to careers ; and
* The college community as a mirror of cultural diversity .
* The course will also help students develop sufficient motivation to pursue their studies as active , responsible learners .
SPS 93 - BEP / SPS SEMINAR 1.5 CR . ( Dual listed with BEP 093 ). SPS Seminar is a required course of the Basic Education Program . The seminar focuses on values clarification , identification and applications of individual learning styles , critical thinking , problem solving , career exploration and understanding College policies . Students will be expected to demonstrate the understanding of these concepts and skills in the other courses of the college preparatory program and in making plans for the next semester of their education .
SPS 102 - CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND EXPLORATION 3 CR . The course examines individual behavior in the social contexts of personal , family , work , and group backgrounds . Using extensive career development and psychological theories from a wide range of research , the course assists the individual to determine successful methods of self-assessment and exploration , resulting in the achievement of a broad perspective of the world of work . Social factors such as job market volatility , industry trends and environmental and technological needs are reviewed for successful career exploration and decision making .
SPS 111 - UNDERSTANDING SUBSTANCE USE / ABUSE , ADDICTION 3 CR . The course will address the nature of chemical dependency , recovery and treatment . Students will have an opportunity to analyze their own assumptions and attitudes toward chemicals and chemically dependent persons and develop an understanding of the biopsychosocial disease model of addiction . The course will also provide students with an understanding of drugs and drug abuse in American culture . The history of various drugs , their effects on society and human behavior will be examined .
SPS 201 - PERSPECTIVES-PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 3 CR . The course enables the understanding of the social and personal experiences of people with disabilities . Emphasis is placed on how different cultures view and interact with this population .
SPS 202 - CAREER MANAGEMENT 3 CR . Prerequisites : SPS 102 or permission of Department This course is intended for students who have already engaged in the career exploration process . Topics to be covered include : self-awareness , world of work and survey of career fields , employer research , employment organizational structures , effective networking , targeted resume and cover letter development , interviewing skills , professional etiquette , experiential learning , motivational theory and development , and self-marketing strategies . This is a hands-on learning experience emphasizing the development of lifelong career management skills and tools .
THR 100 - THEATRE APPRECIATION 3 CR . Prerequisites : Satisfactory completion of remedial reading . A survey of the aesthetic and technical factors involved in the emergence of written drama as a produced work of theatre art . For students whose curricular emphasis is not theatre . Attendance at theatrical productions required .
WST 101 - INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN ' S STUDIES 3 CR . Focusing on the roles of women in a cross-cultural context , this course introduces the student to the discipline of Women ' s Studies and serves as a basis for more specialized courses . It treats such issues as women in the family , workplace , and community ; images of women in the arts , professions and popular culture ; and women ' s contributions in a variety of fields .

This course studies international legal institutions in Europe and their role in bringing justice for crimes against humanity . Beginning the second half of Spring semester 2017 , the class will meet once a week on campus to study the work of the International Court of Justice , the International Criminal Court , the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia , the Court of Human Rights and the various institutions that work with these courts . The class then travels to Europe in the middle of May to visit and view these institutions at work .
This is a 3 credit course and serves as a Paralegal elective or satisfies the Western Heritage elective .
The course will be led by Nassau Community College Professor Joan Alexander . Professor Alexander is an attorney with extensive experience in this area .
For more information and to obtain a brochure , contact the Legal Studies Department at 516-572-7276 , or email Joan Alexander at joan . alexander @ ncc . edu , or call the Paralegal Director at 516-572-7774 .