Natural Muscle June/July 2015 | Page 35

Summer is on & what better way to enjoy the day then to get a great beach workout. Let's H.I.I.T THE BEACH! Yes, repetition is the mother of all skill but it's also the father of boredom. The last thing you should do on a beautiful sunny day is the same old workout you always do in a dark monotonous gym. So, hit the lake or the beach with your workout partner & have some fun in the sun! All you need is a pull-up bar, beach, or a long field to run and a little imagination & you will create a killer fat burning high intensity circuit workout! Matt & I start off with some leg lifts on the pull up bar. Try to complete as many reps as you can If your reps are low you should increase your sets. An example would be if you can perform 25 reps you can stick with 3 to 4 sets. If you can only perform 10 or less reps, do 6-8 sets. After the leg lifts you can do some sprints. Remember, sprints on sand demand so much more from your hamstrings & calves so warm up with jogging & transition into a full sprint for a short distance. The jog can be 50 yards, then 25 yards of full on intense sprint to then slow down the remaining 25 yards. If you do 5 to 8 rounds the sweat is flowing & the heart is pounding! Now, after that, let’s get some pull-ups super set with windshield wipers going on! Remember, its not how many you can do but how many you do correctly. Do these with the same mindset as the leg lifts, if you can't do the reps make sure you do more sets. Try to do 5-7 pull-ups then straight to 10 hanging wipers for the abs & obliques for 3 to 5 sets. And now its time for the X-factor! You get to use your imagination on this last super set. Matt & I used the "beach closed" sign right on ocean drive to perform overhead shoulder presses & plyo jumps over it. We did 5 sets of 10 sign presses super set with 5 jumps over the sign. The choice is yours. Use your environment and anything you can get some workout using or doing. If you have a rock or sledgehammer, sandbag, chains or ropes use them! If you have a wall or tall ledge you can try handstand push ups, or you can finish with planks & sit up super sets to FINISH STRONG! The important thing is that you're working hard outside & enjoying Life to the fullest. Try this workout once a week and if you stick with it you will carve out that beach physique! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ifbb Pro Matt Christianer was the first Physique Pro ever. He has been featured in many publications, infomercials & the film "The Perfect Physique" with co-star, the late Greg Plitt. Learn more about Matt at David Morin is a former Pro-skateboarder & fitness model. David was also featured in "The Perfect Physique" film. he lives in Miami so if you're ever out near South Beach reach out to him at If you have a great idea for an outdoor workout tag David or Matt on instagram & we will send you some free samples courtesy of 35