My first Magazine | Page 15





How Child Labor Violations Usually Occur
• 59 % of auditors believe child labor occurs because factories “ overlook ” the issue due to excessive demand for labor
From the auditors ’ perspective , we also looked at the top reasons for why factories fail to prevent child labor , and we clearly saw some divergence between countries in the region ( Figure 12 ), especially between East & Southeast Asian countries ( China and Vietnam ) and South Asian countries ( India and Bangladesh ). Apart from the systemic challenges that factories have limited control over ( e . g . “ forged / borrowed ID cards ” and “ most workers don ’ t have identity documents ”), there are reasons that are directly related to factories ’ actions , such as “ overlooked because of excessive demand for labor ” and “ no age verification was done ”. While the absence of age verification seems to be a higher risk factor for India and Bangladesh , intentional recruitment of child laborers to satisfy labor demand seems to be the bigger issue in China and Vietnam .
Figure 12 :
How do the identified child labor violations usually occur ?
100 80 60
Bangladesh India Vietnam China
40 20 0
Forged / borrowed ID cards
“ Overlooked ” because of excessive demand for labor
No age verification was done
Most workers don ’ t have ID cards , which makes age verification difficult
Age verification was done by labor brokers or schools
Age verification was done by doctors
Best Response : Auditors ’ Insights on Child Labor in Asia 12