MSEJ NOVEMBER 2014 | Page 22 |

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Almost daily, I see at least one example of an error listed below in documents, emails, instant messaging, or on social media. You might think these errors are insignificant, but when applying to a job and corresponding with a recruiter or future employer, grammar and spelling mistakes can disqualify you for the position.

Apostrophe ‘s’ doth not a plural make

I have to admit: this is something that affects me the same way nails on a chalk board affect others! Adding an apostrophe “s” (‘s) signifies possession, NOT more than one.

Please, just add an “s”

-More than one veteran = veterans; not veteran’s (the apostrophe signifies something belonging

to a veteran)

For words ending in “y” replace “y” with “ies.” Do not add an apostrophe "s."

-More than one company = companies; not company’s (the apostrophe signifies something

belonging to a company)

-BUT the rule doesn’t apply to proper nouns; e.g., we have three Marys in our company

Most words ending in “f” take “ves” in the plural form.

-More than one knife = knives

-Most words ending in “o” add “es..”

-More than one hero = heroes; not hero’s (the apostrophe signifies something belonging to a


-An exception (this is English, so there has to be one!) : More than one memo = memos.

Compound nouns: The element that is more than one takes the plural form. In both of the examples below, the word that takes the plural form is the noun (daughters and chiefs).

-Daughters-in-law (more than one daughter)

-Chiefs of staff (more than one chief)

Acronyms, Dates, and other oddities:

-I will send you the URLs for some of my favorite websites.

-The 1920s are often referred to as the “Roaring Twenties.”

-High IQs are required for membership in Mensa, but not all members have PhDs.

-Our accountant needs current addresses to mail out the 1099s.

To, too, and two

Many people have difficulty knowing whether to use “to” or “too”; knowing when to use “two” is usually pretty obvious.

To is a function word or preposition.

-He turned his back to the door.

-Are you going to the store?

Too means “in addition” or “also”, “excessive” or “more than.”

-Richard tells me he will be on vacation that week, too.

-I added too much salt to this recipe.

Two is a number.

-We have two tickets to the next Bucs game.

-I have only two calls on my calendar today.

Example: I need to work late today because I have too many unfinished projects that must be completed within the next two days.

By Jennifer Quimby

Common Spelling and Grammar Errors That Could Scuttle Your Job Search