Motorcycle Explorer Nov 2015 Issue 8 | Page 85

Green is unlucky. About as much fact to this one as red is faster. I’d assume that Ducati came up with the red and someone with a dealership next to a Kawasaki store came up with the green! Looking around there are some tales about it being again based on the Harley Davidson; during the war the HD green bike could be heard coming a mile off and make a nice target for the machine gun nests. Anyone riding the green HD was then seen as a sitting target... rather literal. British nod and the rest wave. This one had nothing to do with superstition when I looked into it and it was all about the fact that British riders ride on the left, as do our Australian cousins. If you waved then it meant that you let go of the throttle to do so, not many riders are willing to let go of a throttle to say ‘hey’. So the British nod by way greeting and showing common respect to a fellow rider... even if they’re on a Harley and don’t wave back (kidding!).