Moon Into It! Vol. 1 Issue #2 | Page 13

Mercury& The RetroGrade

Here are some tips that will assist you in the earth's transition:

1. Update Priorities

The transition can make a person

shift behavior without notice.

2. Create a Walking

Regimen (Great for

the heart/and spirit)


accomplishments in short term spurts (Don’t wait til the end of the accomplishment-celebrate the advances you make along the way)

4. Encourage a friend, mate-lover,family member to join you in a healthy activity.

5. Refresh with a Healthy Drink Choice

at least once in the day.

(My favorite is Cucumber and lemon water

with 3 sliced strawberries in water.)

6.Meditate for clarity. (Map current events with events/people/situations of the past-review the lesson)

7. Live In the MOMENT ♥ (Let go of stuff from the past-it is just that…the past. Learn from it and live and enjoy in the current space that you are in. Don’t worry about tomorrow. It isn’t here yet.

Let Divine Source (God, Allah, Optimum Spirit

show you which step to take as you move forward.