ADVERTISEMENT DEFENSIVE DRIVING IS A NECESSITY: Five Keys to Keeping Employees Safe Driving is a routine part of many employees’ daily activities. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most hazardous. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that in 2014, one out of every four workplace fatalities happened on the road. Commit to making defensive driving a part of your safety program by including policies that address the five key components of defensive driving. Distracted Driving  Stop if you become tired. A short nap (15-45 minutes) and caffeine may help temporarily.  Take a break every two hours to stretch and walk briskly.  Set a realistic goal for the number of miles you can safely drive each day. Vehicle Maintenance  Perform regular maintenance consistent with manufacturer’s recommendations.  Ensure a trained mechanic performs a thorough inspection at least once a year.  Provide maintenance or repair request forms. D LEAD THE WAY Controlled Driving  Obey the speed limit and reduce speed in construction zones.  Consider road and traffic conditions before traveling.  Maintain at least a threesecond gap behind other vehicles. Getting your workforce to practice safe driving techniques requires a clear commitment from the top.  Take action immediately on reports of hazards.  Walk the talk. Management must comply with all company safety policies. Seat Belts  Require employees to wear seat belts on the job and encourage them to do so on personal time.  Develop activities and programs that reward the use of seat belts. Tips for Spotting an Impaired Driver  Weaving, swerving, drifting or straddling the center line.  Driving on the wrong side of the road.  Driving at a very slow speed.  Stopping without cause or braking erratically.  Turning abruptly or responding slowly to traffic signals.  Driving with the window down in cold weather.  Driving with headlights off at night. Impaired Driving  Stress the importance of keeping a clear mind on the road.  Avoid drivers that appear impaired and alert police. MEM can help you eliminate injuries and reduce your work comp costs. Download workplace safety program tutorials and defensive driving materials at worksafecenter.com. I VE DR IV ERS ROC K SAFETYFANATICS.COM Everyone’s a fan of something. At Missouri Employers Mutual, we’re fans of keeping people safe. When workplaces are safe, businesses prosper. If you want to win at eliminating injuries and the cost of traffic accidents, team up with the Safety Fanatics at MEM. © 2016 Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance. All rights reserved.