Military Review Edición Hispano-americana Enero-Febrero 2014 | Page 82

social-networking-sites.aspx> (3 de noviembre de 2013). 26. Statistic Brain, 2013. 27. “YouTube Statistics and Viewership,” YouTube, 3 de noviembre de 2013, (3 de noviembre de 2013). 28. PSY, Gangnam Style Video on YouTube, 15 de julio de 2012, (13 de marzo de 2013); GoodClipsDaily, The Harlem Shake Best Ones on YouTube, 11 de febrero de 2013, (13 March 2013); Ylvis, “What Does the Fox Say,” Youtube, 3 de septiembre de 2013, (23 de noviembre de 2013). 29. Center for Army Leadership, 2011 Center for Army Leadership Annual Survey of Army Leadership (CASAL): Main Findings, Technical Report, Fort Leavenworth: Center for Army Leadership, 2012, iv-19; Center for Army Leadership, 2012 Center of Army Leadership Annual Survey of Army Leadership (CASAL): Main Findings, Technical Report, Fort Leavenworth: Center for Army Leadership, 2013, págs., 16-20. 30. ADP 6-0, p. 3. 31. Kayes, B., Anna, D., Kayes, Christopher y Kolb, A., David, “Experiential learning in teams,” in Simulation and Gaming, 2005: p. 15. 32. ADP 6-0, p. 3. 33. Ibíd. 34. Tuten, Tracy, Advertising 2.0: Social Media Marketing in a Web 2.0 World, (Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008 ), p. 93. 35. Kolditz, p. 13. 36. Tuten, p. 26. 38. Tony Burgess and Nate Allen, Taking the Guidon: Exceptional Leadership at the Company Level (Delaware: Center for Company Level Leadership, 2001), p. 59. 39. ADP 6-0, p. 11. 40. thejointstaff, “The 18th Chairman’s Message to the Force on Sequestration,” Internet, Washington, DC, 1 de marzo de 2013, (accesado el 27 de marzo de 2013). 41. Gen. Martin Dempsey, Facebook Page of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington, DC, 3 de noviembre de 2013, (3 de noviembre de 2013). 42. Brenner y Smith, 2013. 43. Ibíd. 44. Department of the Army G1, Active Duty Age by Rank for November 2013, Army Demographics (Washington, DC: GPO, 2013). 45. S. Haslam, Alexander, Reicher, D., Stephen y Platow, J., Michael, 80 The New Psychology of Leadership (New York: Psychology Press, 2011), p. 75. 46. McDonald, P., Sean, “Empirically Based Leadership: Integrating the Science of Psychology in Building a Better Leadership Model,“ in Military Review (enero-febrero, 2013): p. 7. 47. Polania, William, “Leveraging Social Networking Technologies: An Analysis of the Knowledge Flows Facilitated by Social Media and the Potential Improvements in Situational Awareness, Readiness, and Productivity,” thesis, (Monterey: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010), p. 56. 48. Ibíd, p. 33. 49. Ibíd. 50. Department of Defense, milSuite, 13 de marzo 2013, (13 de marzo de 2013). 51. Burgess, p. 29. 52. Polania, p. 57. 53. Ibíd. 54. ADRP 6-22, p. 97. 55. Polania, p. 36. 56. Ibíd. 57. Edgar Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership (San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), p. 26. 58. Ibíd. 59. Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: Esprit de Corps, 9 March 2013, (9 March 2013). 60. ADRP 6-22, 7-1. 61. Ibíd. 62. Ibíd, 7-2. 63. U.S. Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, “US Army Social Media Handbook Version 3.1,” in US Army Slideshare: The Official Slideshare of the US Army, enero de 2013, (9 de marzo de 2013). 64. Ibíd. 65. Ibíd, p. 3. 66. Travis Passenger Terminal, “Travis Passenger Terminal SpaceA Travel,” Facebook: Travis Passenger Terminal, 9 de marzo de 2013,