MG Motoring 2017 | Page 9

In closing this report I have recently received a “ News release ” from the Hon Stephen Mulligan MP headed . Conditional Registration to be more flexible and accessible for historic vehicles :
The State Government is removing red tape to allow more classic car lovers to enjoy their hobby out on the road .
Some of the possible changes include : - 1 . Allowing owners to improve the ride , handling and safety of their vehicles .
January / February 2017
2 . Moving away from the fixed cut off date of 1979 to a rolling 30-year vehicle age . 3 . Removing the bureaucratic requirement for motoring clubs to undertake vehicle inspections . 4 . Making the scheme more nationally consistent These legislative changes are expected to be finalised and to begin from the 1 st of July 2017 . ( See pg 12 )
Cheers Allan .