MG Motoring 2017 | Page 16

NEWS RELEASE ( Reprinted )
MG Car Club of South Australia

NEWS RELEASE ( Reprinted )

Hon Stephen Mulligan MP Minister for Transport and Infrastructure . 18 December 2016
Conditional registration to be more flexible and accessible for historic vehicles
The State Government is removing red tape to allow more classic car lovers to enjoy their hobby out on the road .
Widespread changes to the conditional registration scheme are being considered to remove restrictions currently preventing thousands of car club members from accessing limited 90 day registration scheme .
Under current laws , historic vehicles are not allowed to be significantly modified from their original design to any significant extent , meaning even slight modifications , such as a CD player or air conditioner , can prevent them from using the scheme .
The same restriction also prevents historic left-hand drive vehicles which have had safety upgrades , such as better braking systems , from taking to the roads .
The State Government will begin formal consultation with key stakeholders such as car
the ride , handling and safety of these classic vehicles , as well cosmetic enhancements -off manufacture date of 1979 to a rolling 30-year vehicle
which ban left-hand drive vehicles with safety improvements such updated braking sys-
This is another example of the State Government ’ s commitment to reducing red tape recently announced in the Simplify Day reforms .
Conditional registration allows classic cars to be driven on public roads for up to 90 days each year , reflecting the lower level of use for historic cars compared to other vehicles .
The scheme was first introduced in the 1990s enabling access to vintage and veteran vehicles to improve the participation in car club events such as the Bay to Birdwood run .
Vehicles with major modifications such as engine upgrades or major structural changes will still be required to undergo safety inspections and obtain relevant approvals to gain access to the road network .
Following the consultation , legislative changes are expected to be finalised to start from July 1 , 2017 .