Metaverse Library - Sci Fi Exhibit May 2013 | Página 2


Letter from Prax Maryjasz and Alexina Proctor ... The Community Library presents exhibits based on the genres of books particularly relevant to virtual worlds . In the past we have featured books and builds from the genres of Steampunk and Fantasy . Now comes Science Fiction with its close relation to virtual worlds in both imagination and creativity . In this catalog we give recognition to the many who made this exhibit possible . We also attempt to give you , our community , an introduction not only to this exhibit , but to science fiction , in general . Since InWorldz is a creators paradise , lush with affordable prims and space , continually improved by the agile minds of founders and development team working in tandem , we never lack for the best builders and artists on the grid . This is a love letter to all of them and to the InWorldz community and others farther afield for their unfailing support of the Community Library . Thank you .

Creative Director & Editor - Alexina Proctor Editor - Prax Maryjasz Copy Editor - Jillian2000 Quintessa

Photographs were taken by Alexina Proctor except for most profile photos , which were submitted by each person profiled . All rights reserved for photographs and content .

Copyright 2013 Community Library of InWorldz