English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 54

44 The Butterfly Woman . Her good life . ( continued )
Add wings to Figure 2 of the Butterfly Woman and link the indicators of a good life to them , including indicators suggested by the participants .
Discussion . Indicators of a good life .
Make sure the participants pick examples from their experience that are relevant to the context in which they work .
Summarise the resources and qualities that represent a good life in the society . How do human rights play a role ? Does she have the right to make decisions regarding her own life ? Draw attention to the ways in which a good life affects our thoughts , feelings , body , heart , and mind . Dwell on the Butterfly Woman ’ s quality of life because it gives her a future to long for and work towards . Thank the participants for their contributions .
The next section will contain the trauma . Warn the group that the story will take an evil turn but this is work for tomorrow .
End Day 1 with a grounding exercise .
Grounding Exercise 1 . Grounding the body .
Examples of grounding exercises are scattered through the training . It is important to practice them again and again until the skill becomes automatic and can be called on even during moments of distress .
The techniques can be used to prevent hyper-arousal if individuals re-traumatise . They can also be used to stimulate a group that is low on energy .
This exercise is also useful if you see that the group is low on energy . Do this grounding exercise together with the group , while giving them instructions .