English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 169

Put your right hand palm down on your left shoulder . Put your left hand palm down on your right shoulder . Choose a sentence that will strengthen you . For example : “ I ’ m a good enough helper ”. Say the sentence out loud first and pat your right hand on your left shoulder , then your left hand on your right shoulder . Alternate the patting .
Do ten pats altogether , five on each side , each time repeating your sentences aloud .
3 . Progressive release of muscular tension . ( 15 minutes .)
This exercise calms a survivor who is agitated .
Whenever you become anxious , your body tenses . This can generate symptoms of pain in the shoulders , neck or back , or tension in the jaw , arms or legs . To train yourself to progressively release this tension , start by intentionally tensing specific groups of muscles , and relaxing them . Focus on the difference of feeling between the tense and relaxed state of the muscles .
Practise on different parts of the body : the head , face , neck , shoulder , back , stomach , buttocks , arms , hands , legs or feet . Increase tension and hold it for 5 seconds ; then release and hold for 10 seconds . Find the tempo that suits you . Increase the tension and release the tension ten times in each muscle group , with a short pause in between .
• Start by focusing on your hands . Make a fist , hold it for 5 seconds , release for 10 . Notice the difference between the tense and released states . Do it once more .
• Move the focus to your arms . Pull your forearms towards your shoulder . Feel the tension in your upper arms . Hold for 5 seconds , release for 10 . Notice the difference , Do it once more .
• Stretch your arm out , and lock the elbow . Feel the tension in the triceps . Hold for 5 seconds , release for 10 . Notice the difference . Repeat . When your arms are relaxed , let them rest in your lap .
• Focus on your face . Increase the tension in your forehead , lift your eyebrows . Notice the tension . Hold for 5 seconds , release for 10 . Notice the difference . Repeat .
• Increase the tension in your jaw . Hold . Release . Repeat .
• Focus on the muscles in your neck . Bend your neck so that your chin touches your chest , turn your head slowly to the left , bring it back to the centre , bend it back , bring it back to the centre , turn it to the right , bring it back to the centre . Repeat slowly since there is often a lot of tension in this area .
• Focus on your shoulders . Lift them . Hold and notice the tension . Release . Notice the difference . Repeat .
• Focus on the shoulder blades . Pull them back . Increase the tension . Relax . Notice the difference and repeat .
• Stretch your back by sitting in a very upright position . Hold the tension and relax , notice the difference and repeat .
• Increase the tension in your buttocks . Hold for 5 seconds and release , notice the difference , repeat .
• Hold your breath . Pull your stomach in , tighten it , and relax . Notice the difference , repeat .
• Focus on your legs . Stretch them out , feel the tension in your thighs , hold and relax .
• Straighten your legs again ; this time make your toes point towards you . Notice the tension in the back of your legs , and the feeling of relaxation when you release . Repeat .
• Focus on your toes , make them point downwards as far as you can . Feel the tension and release .
• Scan your whole body . Does any part still feel tense ? Repeat the exercise for this part .
• Imagine that a relaxed feeling is spreading through your whole body . Your body feels warm , perhaps a little heavier , relaxed .