Meaningful Measures of Student learning | Page 12

Criterion Next Steps  Assessments are aligned to standards Collect rigorous and specific evidence of alignment between the new assessment and Tennessee’s State Standards. This evidence must be the result of a researchbased method of measuring alignment.  Assessments ensure technical quality Collect rigorous and specific evidence that ensures TNReady produces valid and reliable results for all of its intended purposes. Representatives from higher education institutions should participate in this process, ensuring that proficiency standards are a true measure of college readiness.  Assessments produce results comparable to those in other states Collect evidence that the Tennessee Department of Education established proficiency standards that align with proficiency standards from national assessments and other state assessments. These proficiency standards should also indicate students’ progress toward college and career readiness.  Assessments provide accessibility for all students Collect evidence that indicates TNReady was designed to provide accessibility for all students.  Assessments provide instructionally useful data Collect evidence that indicates that assessment reports will be provided in a timely fashion and can inform instruction. It would be ideal for the Tennessee Department of Education to conduct user testing with Tennessee educators to ensure the reports provide clear and concise information that teachers can use to improve instruction and meet student needs.  Assessments follow best practices in test administration Collect evidence from the Tennessee Department of Education that documents the plans for test and data security. This evidence should ensure that data security practices meet the requirements of Tennessee law. Table 3 In addition to the action steps listed above, Tennessee education partners should support the Tennessee Department of Education as a transition is made to the new assessment. The following list describes additional ways education partners throughout the state can work to ensure teachers and students have the support they need to successfully transition to a new assessment:  Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) should release a series of follow-up reports that evalThe State uate Tennessee’s new assessment against the above criteria on an annual basis for the next four years. This report should involve assessment experts from higher education, highlight strengths of the assessment, and explore opportunities for continuous improvement to the assessment. The Tennessee Department of Education and Centers of Regional Excellence (CORE) should provide high-quality professional learning opportunities for teachers, principals, and district leaders on the new assessment. The Expect More, Achieve More Coa ][ۈ[