Martensville Messenger February 16, 2017 | Page 16

Page 16 - february 16 , 2017 - martensville messenger

Schools Continue to Battle Bullying

Ciara O ’ Reilly , Martensville Messenger
In the year of 2016 , a survey issued from the Saskatchewan Alliance for Youth and Community Well-Being ( SAYCW ) founded that over 65 % of youth had experienced at least one form of bullying , and a whopping one in five of those bullied had also considered suicide . This same partnership surveyed 8,832 students in 114 schools on a variety of health-related topics across the province of Saskatchewan . These statistics are already much too high to ignore , and how could we ?
Brian Trainer is a retired 27 year Saskatoon police sergeant and antibullying spokesperson , and the toll at which bullying takes on our youth was something at which Trainer felt obliged to stand for . Trainer speaks and informs not only the youth but authorities as well , about the dangers and damages of bullying across the province . In the year 2000 Trainer wrote and drew a comic book about bullying . Trainer then worked to obtain corporate donations and thus printed and distributed 21,000 copies to schools throughout Saskatchewan . “ When I retired in 2006 I began to educate schools on the deadly effects of bullying nationally on a full time basis ,” mentioned Trainer . Requests for Trainer to speak in public schools soon boomed , and information sessions regarding suicide rates , cyber bullying and protection tactics soon spread across the province . Trainer also co-wrote a novel alongside Mark Eisenzimmer , introducing the bullying between girls at school . The novel is named BULLY4U and can consequently be found on amazon . ca .
New anti-bullying resources have recently been launched across the province of Saskatchewan as of current . Why is this necessary ? Because bullying is something that will always be around , only in this day and age it is taking on new forms . Cyber-bullying is the main source of harassment in the day to day lives of our youth . It is the one form of bullying that one can ’ t run away from on the playground , as it follows the victim all around the clock . The new resources consist of a package of various videos titled the Student First Anti-Bullying Forum . These videos have been recommended to be used between now and February 17th , in preparation for Red Cross Pink Day on February 22nd . These resources are intended to protect the lives of school-aged kids who are affected by bullying , whether they are the bully , the victim , or a bystander . In comparison to the RAP Program sponsored by the Saskatoon Rotary Club , such resources have held a very high positivity rate in respects to minimalizing the acts of bullying . The RAP program has been in Mount Royal Collegiate for several years , and is held in very high regard to anti-bullying rep -Trainer himself . The importance ’ s of letting our youth know that they aren ’ t alone , that they matter , and that they are loved and respected cannot be stressed enough . Trainers ’ main topic of discussion in his anti-bullying programs is on cyber-bullying , the most common form of bullying . “ Every student from Grades four and up has a cellphone , and almost 100 % of those kids were given the phones by their parents . Yet , very , very few of them have ever been told how to use them properly because most parents haven ’ t got a clue how to use them themselves ,” Said Trainer . “ You are responsible for your actions . Anyone 12 years of age and older in Canada can be arrested , charged , and go to jail for committing a criminal offence . Harassment , assault , threats , and intimidation are all acts bullies and cyberbullies do . They are also criminal offences ,” informed Trainer . Bullying hurts , and the older you get , the more it gets to you .
Suicide rates due to bullying are already at an appalling rate , and our indigenous neighbours have reached a new peak in numbers . Assembly of First Nations Chief Perry Bellegarde of Saskatchewan has said suicides are happening far too often in northern communities . “ Aboriginal youth suicide rates are five times the national average .” This rate is unacceptable , and Saskatoon ’ s own Brian Trainer has taken it upon himself to spread the awareness across the province , with an additional
focus to our indigenous neighbours . “ Cyberbullying and bullying is as rampant in these communities as it is down south , yet our Indigenous neighbours have very few resources available to address and combat many of these issues . It is an honour to be able to fly into places like Fond du Lac and Wollaston , speak at Kihewin and Frog Lake Cree Nations in Alberta ( Bonneyville ) to educate these communities on keeping their youth safe .”
With age , resources become further available and bullying hits a new peak . Teenagers suffer quietly to an extent at which has them feeling like it will never end . “ Words are weapons . Words hurt and words can kill . Be careful with your words . The tongue has no bones but it ’ s
ABOVE : Brain Trainer , retired Saskatoon Police Sergeant and anti-bullying spokesperson .
strong enough to break a heart ,” acknowledged Trainer . Ultimately the best thing for victims to do if they are getting bullied is to
TELL SOMEONE . There will always be someone in their corner , whether it be a parent , teacher , or even a friend to confide in . “ Teachers have a legal duty to protect those in their care . The courts have declared that educators must act as though they are ‘ caring and prudent parents .’ That means they have an onus to stop anyone from being bullied ,” informed Trainer .
Whether you are being bullied for a personal reason or not , teens especially need to understand that almost all adults have been right where they are today . People make mistakes , and a mistake is not worth defining the course of your life . Tell someone , they will understand and you will be able to breathe again . Having someone in your corner really takes the heat from whatever the situation may be .
Red Cross Pink Day is set to take place on February 22nd . Spread the awareness and make sure to sport some PINK !
At the Wireless Age we ’ re here to listen to you . We call it ...
ABOVE : Brian Trainer and Mark Eisnzimmer cowrote a novel , ‘ BULLY4U ’, acknowledging the acts of bullying between girls at school .

“ unplugged and all in ”