mannabliss Medicine for the Soul November 2016 | Page 32

When one of my close friends read these tales, they were so moved by the eloquence and deep perspective that they asked me if I would be willing to make these private recountings available to her audience in this wonderful magazine. I balked at the notion of sharing such intimate and private windows to my soul with strangers with whom I was not acquainted. “Perhaps I can concoct another series of lessons or something more appropriate to a magazine,” I deflected. “Whatever you like,” was the response.

Whatever you like. Such a simple and yet powerful phrase. For those of you with children, you may quiver at the notion of entrusting your child’s routine to “whatever you like.” For me, It conjures terrifying imagery of chocolate covered faces brimming with sprinkles, magic marker strewn across their cherubim cheeks, and god knows what smushed in between the cushions of all the furniture and across the walls. We people are like children in this regard. We have been given free reign to “do what thou wilt,” to do whatever we like with our planet, and now look at the results. We live in a world smushed, covered, and buckling under the stress of our “freedoms.” I will not know the results of my writings here or whether they will have the effect I desire which is the liberation of the beings of this planet from suffering, or if like a mattress ruined by the careless spillage of vinegar by the three year old, it will cause undue harm and struggle. My genuine hope is the former not the latter. Without the ability to clearly see the tree tomorrow for the seed we plant today we can only plant and hope the fruits are good. So rather than doing whatever I like, I have relented, and in joy do what the universe through my dear friend has asked of me. I shall recount the deeply personal, sometimes terrifying, and all around magical experiences that have brought me to this place called the here and now.

It is my profound desire that the lessons I have learned are of some value to you and bring to you some measure of joy and connection with the source of creation. I pray that the notions I unleash here ripple outwards into the cosmos a ring true in the grand symphony of life, and that in ringing they help measure the symphony, help define the piece, and bring beauty and truth into your world.

Immerse yourself in The Incredible Adventures of Xavier Hawk, "an exploration of extraordinary living"...


"It is my profound desire that the lessons I have learned are of some value to you and bring to you some measure of joy and connection with the source of creation. I pray that the notions I unleash here ripple outwards into the cosmos a ring true in the grand symphony of life, and that in ringing they help measure the symphony, help define the piece, and bring beauty and truth into your world."


Mannabliss Tribe Speaks