mannabliss Medicine for the Soul January/February 2017 | Página 39


MB: Are you aware of the incredibly powerful energy that surrounds you when you are teaching yoga and the positive energy you bring to everybody?

MO: I am very aware of the impact each person has on the energy fields that we each carry and influence. This is why I try my best to offer the safest most accessible space for exploration. This intention is because I respect not only my own energy…I also respect the energy of others.

MB: Is there one thing that you are focusing on in your personal practice right now? Is there something you are working on in particular?

MO: My favorite sutra right now is 3.34 Hrdaye Citta-samvit

(by Samyama/) on the spiritual heart, knowledge of the mind ensues

I feel we are negating the importance of the connection of the heart and the mind. We cannot deny one in pursuit of the other, then we create hierarchy. Many don’t realize how the spiritual heart is addressed in the philosophy of Yoga. Hrdaye is introduced in Book 3, after the practice and the tools of Yoga have been offered so that the traveler is stable within themselves. Then, beginning the journey to penetrate the most subtle layer of our human journey, the spiritual heart.

MB: A few questions about BelovedYoga. Tell me about the name?

MO: BelovedYoga used to be WarriorYoga. We received a letter stating WarriorYoga is Trademarked and we need to change the name. So, at that time my business partner and I began to peruse names….we found our way from the Beloved….and hence BelovedYoga was born. The perfect of this change can only be attributed to Divine Grace, in my opinion. This was about 2 years in and it offered a new energy to the studio.

MB: How did this effect your business?

MO: I don’t believe in competition, I believe is being the best that you can be and helping each other achieve full potential. From this place, I have created an annual yoga festival that invites all the yoga studios, highlights the newest ones and invites the public to try different styles and approaches to Yoga and wellness. In our 8th year with over 5000+ peeps attending.

By also not believing in competition, I support studio owners in the area by sharing with them my own wisdom and inspiring them to create the best as well.

MB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

MO: I will be teaching, offering more focused trainings and being a catalyst to share Yoga. By then the two books I have been working on with Jafar Alexander will be out and we will be sharing the knowledge to support others on this journey. Most importantly I see myself happy, peaceful and sharing what I love. I have a tremendous amount of Sraddha…and I trust this life. My only work is to be present and keep myself a clear conduit so that Spirit can work through me for the highest good.

MB: What advice do you have for people who are starting yoga?

MO: ~ Stay a student.

~ Find the wisest teachers…Yoga is a philosophy, the main text are the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is an important place to begin your studies if you wish to pursue the process and the practice.

~ Don’t get tricked by the tricks.

~ Walk a path of least harm, integrity and freedom.

MB: Is there someone that you really admire that you have learned a lot from? Someone that inspires you. Do you have a yoga mentor?

MO: I LEARN the most from myself, we have all we need right here inside of ourselves. I get INSPIRED by all beings that walk in Love, live with clarity and integrity and have the courage to stand boldly, talk softly and touch tenderly.

MB: Is there anyone else you want to add?

MO: I bow to you ManaBliss….thank you for your offering a platform to share the commUNITY and inspire each other.