Having a proper styleguide is a thing that your business requires in order to keep your brand identity consistent regardless of who creates it and consistent through any medium of communication; however, not many businesses keep one.
The style guide is essentially the one document that lists all the vital information needed to create any kind of asset for your business; be it a website, a report, advertisement, having this document will make everything faster and easier to create. Well, if it is so useful then how come not all business have it? Yes, although they make your life a breeze after it’s created, making the document takes a lot of effort and time, something that most businesses lack nowadays.
Then again, if you think about all the time one would spend explaining to a designer the exact space and color needed for the logo design on every document, or maintaining the same font when multiple people have the responsibility to create documents and when your business is thriving, you’d hire more designers that just more time explaining everything, every time to all.
Another important reason is that over the years, your brand logo might undergo a change and you would want the updated logo, if any, to go all documents issued thereon. An up-to-date styleguide would be the Bible or Encyclopedia everyone would look to for answers for any change in font, logo and other essentials.
To create a styleguide for your business takes effort, but in the long-run, it is definitely worth it. Here are the main styleguide essentials: