Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 12 | Page 62

GET INSPIRED 20 SECONDS OF Courage BY ALICIA SIMON T alking to random strangers is oddly one of my strengths. I find it intriguing to strike up a conversation about nothing with someone I don’t know. However, without fail, the moment I’m inspired to share doTERRA with a stranger, the voice in my head begins shouting reasons I shouldn’t. Believe it or not, it’s even worse with those in my closest circles—my family and friends. How many people have you started to talk to about doTERRA, but within seconds that inner voice talked you out of it? That voice may have said, “They won’t be interested,” “The last person rejected me,” “They’re too busy,” “I don’t have time,” “I don’t have any samples or business cards on me,” “I’m not properly dressed,” “I need to create a spreadsheet of all my contacts first” or, “I have no idea what to say.” This voice will stop you from talking to anyone—friends, family, and especially those that are not-yet-friends. Now consider this: How would your life be different if the person who introduced you to doTERRA allowed their inner voice to stop them from sharing with you? What life change are you withholding from the person with whom you refuse to share? What if you hold the key to unlocking that person’s financial freedom? Whenever I allow that inner voice to hinder me from speaking up and sharing with someone, I know there’s something within me creating feelings of fear and inadequacy. I distinctly remember a time in our business when my personal contact list was dwindling fast. Every time I set out to find new contacts, I was stifled by that inner voice. Once I realized what was happening, I spent an afternoon in self-evaluation, finding answers to the following questions: 1.  hat do I have to lose? I have nothing to lose. At the end W of the day, I will still have my faith, my family, and doTERRA. 2.  hat do I have to gain? If I set out to make a new W connection, I may gain a new friend. 62 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 3. What do I have to give? I have the gift of my friendship, my leadership, and safe, natural, effective health solutions. 4. Who needs it? In my opinion, everyone. 5.  hould I take it personally if they say no? They are not S saying no to me, and they may not even be saying no. They may be saying, “Not right now,” “I need more information,” or “I need a heart connection first.” 6.  m I prepared? I am if I have the mindset (I am growing A daily through personal development), the toolset (I am stocked with samples, handouts, websites, business cards, invitations, etc.), and the skill set I need (I am plugged into and learning a proven system with ingenious mentors and an account manager). 7.  hat’s driving me? Am I moved by my why, or am I moved W by a fear of losing something or not measuring up? 8.  hat are my intentions? Am I trying to meet a twoW contacts-a-day quota or am I sincerely looking to change a life? When I completed my self-evaluation, I real ized it was my limiting beliefs and fear that were blocking my new connections. A friend shared this quote: “Fear gives a commentary on what you see before you even live it. Fear finds evidence to support what it wants you to believe. Fear lies.” It was up to me to change my beliefs, to feed my faith and starve the fear. I had to reprogram what the inner voice was saying to this: “I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I have been entrusted with a priceless gift, not to be clinched tightly in closed fists, but shared generously with everyone. No matter what happens, I am prepared, and I am ready to make a new friend today.” One of my recent devotions used a phrase from the movie We Bought a Zoo that challenged me to be fearless in sharing my faith with everyone I meet. Benjamin Mee, played by Matt Damon, says to his son, “You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” On a Friday morning flight, two years ago, I decided to exercise 20 seconds of courage and interrupt a conversation two ladies were having in the seat in front of me. One of those two ladies was doTERRA Blue Diamond, Sharon McDonald. What if I hadn’t said a word? What if instead, I just sat there and allowed my inner voice to keep me in silence? I did speak up and something great came out of it. Had it not been for 20 seconds of insane courage, I might not be in doTERRA today. I might not have the pleasure of beautiful connections to amazing men and women, a growing team of outstanding leaders, and I might not have the pleasure of changing lives and homeschooling our little ones every day, side-by-side with my husband. Simply 20 seconds of courage changed our lives forever. What will it do for you? S www.doterra.com 63