Lethbridge living | Page 16

YOUR PATH TO SUM livingtalk C E L E B R AT E S U M M E R TYLER STEWART S P R I N G I N T O F E S T I VA L S E A S O N W I T H T H E S E E A R LY S E A S O N P I C K S : Electric Eye Music Festival May 11–15, Lethbridge This indie-rockfest heads into its third year bigger and better than ever. Get yourself a wristband and get ready to bar hop to discover the most salient sounds the scene has to offer. eemusicfest.com Environment Week June 5–11, Lethbridge Presented by a variety of local organizations, this week of green events celebrates the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility in a variety of ways. lethbridge.ca Lethbridge Pride Fest June 17–25, Lethbridge Everyone is welcome during this week of events focused on acceptance and inclusion. March in the parade or join a dance party. Either way you’re sure to have a blast! lethbridgepridefest.com BEST BETS DURING THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: Vul-Con July 9–10, Vulcan Trekkies will be extra thrilled with this year’s event, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Star Trek franchise with extra special guests from all five television series. vulcanconvention.com South Country Fair July 15–17, Fort Macleod The little folk fest that could rings in 30 years of peaceful times this summer and you can expect it to be more magical than ever. It sells out every year, and this year will be no exception, so get your tickets asap! southcountryfair.com Moses Lake and Cardston Pow Wow July 19–20, Cardston Now in its 10th year, this pow wow brings together communities for a powerful celebration of Indigenous culture. cardston.ca F A L L F E S T I VA L C A N ’ T M I S S E V E N T S : Taber Cornfest and Rodeo August 26–27, Taber The finest of prairie harvest celebrations. What more could you ask for than live music, fireworks, bull riding, and the most delicious corn on the cob money can buy? destinationtaber.com Love & Records September 17, Lethbridge Having grown into the biggest record fair in western Canada, this is a vinyl collector’s dream come true–plus great bands and a beer garden! ‘Nuff said. loveandrecords.ca Waterton Wildlife Weekend September 23–25, Waterton Lakes National Park Instead of just gazing in awe at the beauty of nature, learn something too! A variety of experts are on hand to help you take it all in. mywaterton.ca Check websites for up-to-date event details, dates may be subject to change. For more summer events visit lethbridgeliving.com. 16 LETHBRIDGELIVING.COM M A Y- J U N 2 0 1 6 PHOTOGRAPHY DO YOU TICKETS IN DID YOU REMEMBER TO BUY THEM AND BRING THEM WITH YOU? ? NO YES ROOKIE MISTAKE. GET READY TO PAY SCALPER PRICES. GOOD JOB! DID YOU PLAN A SAFE RIDE THERE AND BACK? NO YES YES, WE’RE GOING BY BICYCLE! YES PLAN FOR A CAB IF YOU’VE HAD TOO MANY “SODAS”, AND GET READY TO WAIT. YOU’RE A FESTIVAL SUPERSTAR. HAVE FUN AND CYCLE SAFE! NO GOING WITH THE FLOW? NICELY DONE. KEEP YOUR EARS OPEN FOR THE BUZZ SO YOU DON’T MISS OUT!