Mag-Fed Monthly Issue 4 | Page 51

Where did the Hawaiian shirt come from?

The Hawaiian shirts were an idea of VICE's team captains Goblin and Feral. Both of them were referees and CQB and saw a lot of players coming to the field in full tactical gear and complete matching camouflage. When starting the team they wanted to stand out while also demonstrating that although camouflage is useful, it's not necessary to being a good player. It's become a hallmark of VICE and has had some pretty interesting consequences in the field. Notoriety is a double edged sword; we're usually hunted by the other team, but we've also had front lines fall back just by them noticing our shirts.

Any tips for up and coming YouTubers?

Be unique, be consistent with what you do, and stick to a schedule. Editing is hard work and no video will ever be perfect. Everyone's first videos are always garbage, but keep to a schedule and keep releasing new content and you will improve.

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