MADE Legends Edition | Page 57

MADE INC. FOUNDER’s ROW Founder’s Row is a community for creative entrepreneurs of color whose mission is to provide entrepreneurs a first-row seat to entrepreneurial success. Our mission is to share practical solutions and opportunities with founders representing start-ups in the tech and creative industries through a variety of online and in-person forums. Follow the column to hear from more of founders’ stories. IVAN LAND Jr., Brand + Marketing Strategist, Startup Consultant, & Creative Director 1.BE A CONTRIBUTOR. We all benefit from the countless mounds of free information on the internet that teach us everything from best entrepreneurial branding practices to gaining more clientele. But – the most fulfilled and successful creatives have learned to be contributors more than consumers. It’s our job as entrepreneurs to help our peers excel while empowering our successors. The Point: Don’t Be an InfoHoarder, Give Back Every Chance You Get. 2.BE A GOOD “BUSINESS PARENT” Don’t make your business decisions based on what you, the person, would do – think deeper. Because the honest truth is: if your business is only grown within your capacity, unlike actual children; it’ll die when you do. * The Point: Always Look for Room for Growth Beyond Yourself 3.CREATE FOR: EVER. If you’re not building something with the intent of it growing and one day being self-sustainable, essentially you’re self-sabotaging instead by not giving your ideas the opportunity to live and grow beyond you (or your fifteen minutes of fame.) The Point: Create Solutions That Solve Future Problems. | 57