MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 50

I would like to be in a position of major assistance to my generation . I want to be able to create ways to assist the youth in finding themselves and pursuing their dreams .”
support me and I don ’ t have to go through all these different people in order to reach them . I don ’ t want to say it ’ s power because it ’ s not so much about me having power over them . It ’ s more so about individuals having power over things they aren ’ t available to be a part of . Meaning if you don ’ t have the eyes of corporations or anything like that , you can create your own atmosphere online and get as many eyes on you as you want depending on how you go about it . What I like about social media is that it allows me to create my own movement and my own world with my own supporters and I can support them too . So that ’ s what I love about social media — it doesn ’ t create a scenario that leads to you limits . It ’ s really a limitless scenario . I ’ ve been able to build so much through my career because of my digital access . And it ’ s not just me and I talk about that in my book as well . I have been extremely inspired by online people who have changed the game . There so many young people that use social media in the proper way .
MADE : In a previous interview you said that you love quotes . What ’ s your favorite quote that empowers you ?
KP : “ We are what we repeatedly do . Excellence , then , is not an act , but a habit .” It ’ s an Aristotle quote and I have it tattooed on me . I love it because it ’ s all about habits and I think that ’ s ultimately what humanity is . We often give in to the power of flesh and the human body is a vehicle . We sometimes forget that we are human beings because we do have access that gives life to our bodies which is our spirit . But at the same time , the body and the spirit are two separate ideologies . One follows the ego and the other is comfortable in its eternal existence . Sometimes I feel like we get caught up in the habits that make us human and we get caught up in our flesh . We allow that to make us feel as if we are the problem , but the reality is that it ’ s just our flesh . It ’ s about controlling our brain to be able to be in charge of the habits we want to accept or add to our lives and the other things we don ’ t .
That quote to me really speaks to that . Which is at the end of the day , you ’ re not a terrible person . You ’ re not the most amazing person in the world , but you ’ re human . Life is about having things you learn and things you unlearn . No different from when Dr . Martin Luther King Jr . said people learn to be unkind , meaning those aren ’ t things you ’ re born with . I just realized you can add any type of personality trait to you that you want . If you want to be the girl that ’ s always optimistic , you can make yourself that . If you want to be the guy that ’ s always on time , you can make yourself that . Once I realized that , I realized that excellence is a habit . All I have to do is be excellent in each thing I did and in each moment I was in and that would make me excellent .
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