MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 32



MADE with Malcolm Oliver
This year , President-Elect Donald Trump will take his position in the White House as 45th President of the United States . What are the outcomes of his presidency in relation to the millennial generation ? MADE sat down with Dr . Malcolm Oliver - Director and Master of Public Policy and Administration at National Louis University in Chicago - to discuss this matter and his thoughts .
MADE : After the election , you pulled together a panel in Chicago to help people discuss the reality of what could happen once Donald Trump takes office . How would you describe the mood there ?
M Well first , I was really inspired to develop the event . During the night of the election , no one really anticipated or knew of what the outcome was going to be . People would ’ ve guessed of it being Hillary Clinton , but it wasn ’ t in the end . People were taken aback and kind of shocked . The reason why I put together the event is because people want to know what ’ s going to happen . With all the things that Donald Trump talks about , is it going to happen ? Is he going to deport 11
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