Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 1st Quarter 2017 | Page 66


By Iris Estrada

Adult coloring books published by Blue Star Coloring

Blue Star Coloring launched in early 2015 with the release of Stress Relieving Patterns , their first adult coloring book to be featured on the New York Times Best Sellers list . Since then , they have released over 30 varied titles , with themes including animal designs , nature and the outdoors , fairy tale images , and even the human anatomy !
Blue Star Coloring ’ s books are all filled with fantastic , flowing artwork and intricate designs . Their illustrations are delicate and very detailed . The pages are also thick enough to accommodate for different coloring tools without having to worry about colors bleeding through the page .
I took the Stress Relieving Patterns book on my last trip and was quickly immersed in coloring and lost track of time . This made my plane ride seem shorter and overall a lot more enjoyable .
If you ’ re unfamiliar with the adult coloring craze , here are some of the top benefits of adopting this hobby according to the Huffington Post :
• Many psychologists suggest coloring to patients as a means of relaxation , and as a calming tool . It can help the individual focus on the act of coloring intricate pictures for hours on end , vs . focusing on intrusive and troubling thoughts .
• Adult coloring books can help with a number of emotional and mental health issues . For many , boredom , lack of structure , and stress are the greatest triggers they have . The time and focus that adult coloring takes helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits , and focus them in a safe and productive way .
• Coloring has intellectual benefits as well . It utilizes areas of the brain that enhance focus and concentration . It also helps with problem solving and organizational skills .

$ 9.99 - $ 17.99

Blue Star Coloring books are a perfect gift for anyone from school-aged children , college students , or adults who enjoy coloring . Whether you want to let out your creative side or release some stress , we highly recommend picking up one of Blue Star Coloring ’ s whimsical books . They ’ re a lot more fun than a stress ball , that ’ s for sure ! www . bluestarcoloring . com
Would you like us to review your product ? Contact Iris Estrada on iris @ luxuryhotelassociation . org