LUXE CULTURE by idoghana Spring/Summer | Page 5

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Is it right for a christian to engage in all manner of sex? oral, toys etc Isn’t some in a way sinful? Or is it cool as long as you are married? Amma A. Dear Amma, The first time sex was mentioned in the Bible, God said “And Adam knew his wife.” The act of sex is simply getting intimate with your spouse and knowing them on a level of closeness exclusive to just the two of you (sexually). So as long as its between the two of you with no disagreements, feel free to explore and “know” each all things, take it to God and his peace that surpasses all understanding will guide you. GOT QUESTIONS? SEND THEM TO [email protected] FOR A FEATURE GET SOCIAL WITH US! INSTAGRAM: @idoghana FACEBOOK: I do Gh TWITTER: @idoghana PINTEREST: @idoghana Dear Editor, I have been dating a guy online for 2 years now. We live in different countries and have not met in person yet. Sometimes, I loose hope thinking if we will ever meet. We do love each other but I feel like quiting. please help! Pando K. Dear Pando, Since I am still old school at heart, I will go ahead and say If he truly loves you, allow him to pursue you first. A woman in love can only respond to the man’s sacrifice first and foremost. Until he does, occupy yourself with your personal goals in life and enjoy the time.