LUSD Newsletter | Page 6

Parents are our partners in education . The District offers many programs and activities that are designed to provide support and engage parents .
New Exciting Learning Opportunities for Parents
Meet our District Parent Liaison , Ruth Solorio . Mrs . Solorio is your direct line to parent services . Services provided by our liaison focus on families , providing outreach services to those in need as well as offering a variety of training opportunities for parents . Ruth is always happy to help and support our parent community ! For more information or to make suggestions for any future offerings Mrs . Ruth Solorio can be reached at 394-5412 .
Parent Classes , Workshops , and Conferences
An extensive menu of classes and workshops are available to district parents . These offerings include :
� ― Abriendo Puertas ,‖ a 10 week program training parents to work with their children at home as well as in the classroom .
� Nutrition classes include learning about nutrition and hands-on food preparation .
� ESL and Rosetta Stone classes assist parents learning English
� GED classes provide assistance for adults seeking a General Education Diploma .
� Computer classes provide training in navigating the internet , email , and parent portals relating to their child ’ s academic progress .
� Parents Helping Parents Program provides management tools for parents who are dealing with difficult child behavior .
� Dads Matter Workshop Series engages male role models to participate in a series of hands-on activities with their children .
Activities are offered to all district parents and are free of charge . Classes and workshops are made available alternately at all school sites during the day or evening whenever possible . Childcare is provided for all courses and workshops . Much to parents ’ delight , certificates of participation are awarded to participants upon completion of a series of classes or workshops .
Coffee Connections
Join the conversation ... Once a month all schools host a ― Coffee ‖ or in Yamato ’ s case , a PTA meeting , inviting the school ’ s parents to join site staff for an informal gathering . Over coffee and pastries parents in attendance are chatting with the school ’ s counselor and / or principal , asking questions or getting clarification on issues that are of interest . Staff usually takes this opportunity to review the monthly calendar and school activity schedules and in the case of LMS , review and discuss graduation requirements . On occasion , some of the sites bring in guest speakers who cover a variety of topics ; i . e . Livingston Medical Clinic staff shared information on childhood depression and the Livingston Police Department brought in a presentation on bullying . School meeting times are available at each school office .
New Special Education - Parent Support Group
LUSD is reaching out to families with special needs students . Activities , information , and parents supporting parents are the key components of the Special Education Parent Support Group . Lead by District Psychologist , Allison Smith , parents have the opportunity to meet four times a year to share strategies and ask questions about working and living with children who have special learning and behavioral challenges . The program includes presentations by various local and county outreach groups to assist parents in accessing additional support services . Some sessions include an activity designed for parents and children to explore together , tapping their creative sides . For more information about scheduled meetings contact Linda Davids , Special Education Secretary , at 394-5428 .