Lounger Magazine SD | Seite 6

VIRTUAL REALITY Gina Manis-Anderson C. Rich Wilson Savii Group www.saviigroup.com (310) 422-8364 e:[email protected] Strategic & Purposeful Storytelling For Business STORY. So many styles, mediums, and ways to create, consume, and share stories in the age of digital media. Yet, after thousands of years, the essence of telling a good story remains largely unchanged. The most powerful stories tend to have in common themes of light vs dark and point to a greater cause, for example. They typically have a linear structure that includes exposition, conflict, and resolution. They often have a funny, happy, or feel-good conclusion that leaves the audience somehow feeling better than they did before it started. It may sound simple, but in truth good story-telling requires deliberate, purposeful artistry grounded in experience and a deeply connected sensitivity to the story itself. We feel that stories of purposeful leadership and consciousness in business are naturally fertile ground for these impactful elements of story. Your customers will no doubt care about your commitment to Social Justice, or the Environment, or your commitment to creating an employee optimized culture. We believe that the human experience is meant to be shared with empathy and inspiration. We use new media like digital, 360 degree Virtual Reality video, and 3D VR to distinguish your brand from others. We know that the right kind of story can inform perception and connect people who otherwise have no connection at all. Most importantly, we feel we have the right perspective, motivation, and talent to create and share compelling, purposeful stories that capture the heartbeat of your conscious brand. StoryShare Platform A good story left unto itself can be a lot like a tree falling in the woods. We have therefore, also built a conscious content sharing platform to help expand the reach of your story with Magazines, Web Channel's, Blog Sites, and traditional media outlets as well. Our goal is to create beautiful stories and then AMPLIFY THEIR IMPACT through collaboration and wellconstructed partnerships. LOUNGER | 06