LOCAL Houston | The City Guide May 2016 | Page 34

MUSEUM DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM HOUSTON THE CONTEMPORARY ARTS MUSEUM Cabinet of Curiosities 5555 Hermann Park Dr. | 713.639.4629 www.hmns.org H·O·P·E: Paintings by Samuel Bak 5401 Caroline St. | 713.942.8000 | www.hmh.org Mark Flood: Greatest Hits 5216 Montrose Boulevard | 713.284.8250 www.camh.org These collections of extraordinary natural and manmade objects were first popular during the Renaissance and Victorian Eras. These objects were displayed in cabinets with many compartments, each filled with treasures. As the collection evolved and grew in importance, noblemen, gentlemen and royalty acquired them and they were then integrated into larger collections, eventually becoming so immense as to occupy entire rooms. 34 L O C A L | may 16 Including a section of 33 different works of art, Samual Bak uses his canvases as both a doorway and a window. The letters H·O·P·E appear in various phases, some partially hidden, others fragmented, some large, others small. Not attempting to illustrate atrocities of the Holocaust, this exhibition shows that there is “hope even in shattering despair.” Reviewing the wisdom and humor of three decades of work beginning from the 80s, Flood’s work ultimately reveals the true achievement of an artist who has produced many highly praised works and has an active career despite remaining barely visible at the museum level. "Rainbow Flight” by Samuel Bak Mark Flood, “ANOTHER PAINTING (CAMH SUITE),” 2016. Fluorescent and spray paint on canvas (7 parts), 40 x 40 inches. Courtesy the artist, Peres Projects, Berlin, and Stuart Shave/Modern Art, London.