Literary Force Magazine Literary Force Magazine Volume 2 | Page 117

I'm Ashlee with no "y" as most people know me, and I'm just an eighteen year old girl who loves to sing and listen to music on a daily basis. Writing is something that I've always liked to do since I was little; once I begin to write I ignore everything else and get into my zone. I've always had a knack for essays as well. I've thought about going into an English major, but that's still iffy since there's other careers that interest me. I also love animals, and I love exploring new places. My friends and family are my support system and I want to make them proud in all of what I do. Life is an exciting adventure and I want to make it the best it can be. I am Jess Sanabria and I am a 12th Grader. I began writing my freshman year. I joined the Advanced Composition class because I liked the idea of free verse writing. I am in the Literary Force Club and I was amazed by it because I’ve been in this campus for four years and I had no idea how many great writers there are. I carry around a notebook full of unfinished stories and poems mostly inspired by Jim Morrison, Virginia Woolf, and Bob Dylan. Hope you enjoyed my stories! 112